Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rebel Salute, (Rasta Salute) not for me,!

It was really Rasta Salute and it was all I needed to convince me that I definitely could never become a Rastafarian.

Even if  I were not a sinful and committed pork eater and  even if i had an inclination to become religious, this religion is just not for me!

Why? I just couldn't survive on their food which was really horrible as the only protein available seems to have been fish.....cold fish that is.Yuk.

Anyway, my first visit to Rebel Salute was quite a disappointment  and something I would never repeat, for I guess I have become spoiled by the professionalism at Sumfest and Jazz Festival so I found the whole idea of having to be tortured by a a series of neophytes in the entertainment industry before hearing those who I had gone to enjoy, just too much. For of the 34 artists that they had on Saturday 18th January, only ten,  yes some 30% were up to my standards so I had to suffer through the other 70% just to enjoy these performers. Worse too, one I really wanted to hear was Rodney Price aka Bounty Killer but after suffering for a very long time through I Wayne's monotonous performance, it was just too much so we left at 7.30 am and I am still vexed as I hear that Bounty was as great as expected.

Call me old fashioned, but the only performance that I really loved were, Jah Bouks, Queen Ifrica, Stitchie, Admiral Tibet, Bob Andy, Horace Andy, Edi Fitzroy, Leroy Sibbles. The others were jsut boring, so boring in fact that I spent  so much time sleeping that I missed one of my favourite artists Terry Linen who I heard after I woke up,  was as great as expected.

Thank god though that I slept through Jah Cure's performance for  I did have some qualms about having to listen to him just to hear the ones I love. No I have no problem with his voice or talent, just the fact that he is a rapist and after reading the interview with his victim some years ago in the Gleaner, I decided from then that I would never have the stomach to listen to him!

But back to why that Rebel Salute was my first and last for there is the issue of the unfair distribution of the irie feeling, for while ganja was widely available (I love the smell but eight hours of inhaling second hand smoke was a bit too much for me ) bald heads like myself and our party could not even get a rum or vodka to buy so we too could get into the mood.

No I am definitely sticking to bald head  entertainment for the rest of my life!

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