Thursday, January 16, 2014

Breakinridge, Colorado

I returned to Breckenridge, Colorado, compliments of my daughter and son- in- law, so I could see what happens there in winter as opposed to the summer,  when I had  a great time there. (See

Breckenridge  is about 2 hours out of Denver and is part of the Rocky Mountain Range (Rockies) and in the summer,  I considered it such a beautiful place to visit, but seeing it from the winter perspective was absolutely awesome.

My only not so good experience therewas having to wait some ninety minutes at a restaurant to get a table, the first night we spent there. We had walked from our hotel to Main Street thinking we could get  dinner quite early. Big mistake.

The first restaurant we went to, told us it was a forty five minute wait to get a table so we put our names down and walked on. At the next ones we were told an hour and a half and by the time we got to the third, a New Orleans type featuring Cajun food, we were told the waiting time was two and half hours.

So we walked around a bit enjoying the Christmas lights which shone brightly in the snow from just about every thoroughly decorated tree, shop and structure before doubling back to the first restaurant where we had made reservations. However, the forty five minute wait they promised came and went but as we were in the bar where everyone was having a jolly time, having consumed every type of Christmas spirit, the time came and went quickly and when we were served,  the food was worth the wait.

Of course, that experience taught us how to avoid having the problem in the future and that is to phone in reservations early in the day!

I used to live in Toronto, Canada, a cold place with lots of snow, and hated it. But going to Breckenridge for 2 days and staying at a condo  in the middle of town operated by the Wyndham chain, reminded me of the funny story which tells the difference between residents and visitors.
View from, the hotel room

According to the tale, a man was in hospital on his death bed and was visited by St. Peter  who wanted to find out if he wanted to go up or down when the time came. The man replied that since he was unfamiliar with the places one resides in the afterlife, he  would need a tour of both destinations.

So  St. Peter complied. First he was taken to the place above where he saw everyone drinking milk and honey, flying around peacefully or and lolling on clouds…….. really boring stuff. So he asked to see what happened down below. When he went there is was nothing but the good life with drinks flowing, beautiful girl sand lots  partying, so he chose the latter,.

 Then he died. When he went to the place of his choice however, it was nothing like the place he had visited on his familiarization tour but instead it was hot as hell, dreary, bleak and there was a monster chasing people around with fiery spear. No he said, this was not the place I chose at all, so he demanded to see the boss. When he got the appointment he explained to the snarling demon that there was an error as the the place he chose was beautiful with lots of parties, good looking girls,wonderful beaches etc.  To which the boss sneeringly replied, "Yes, then you were a visitor but now you are a  resident."

So true when for  I lived in Canada, I was a resident and didn't like the snow at all. That is because I rarely got the opportunity to witness the beauty of the sun glistening on snow covered trees (although there was lots of snow there)  as in winter in Toronto the sun never came up till around ten am and was set by four pm so I was always outside commuting during the dark hours and inside heated buildings at work or at school, when the real beauty of the snow could be appreciated.

On the other hand, at Breckenridge in the beautiful Rockies, we never left our apartment until the sun came up and it was warm, so although the snow had fallen the night before, everything looked bright, inviting, beautiful and sparkling. It made one  feel so inconsequential as a human being in the shadow of these great, multi- shaped, snow-capped peaks. The sight of the glistening snow on the mountain slopes shining brightly through the green pine trees just made you want to soar up to the hills and roll off and despite the weatherman saying it was only eight degrees outside, it did not feel cold at all.

In fact, every time I entered a building I had to peel off all outside clothing as it became so hot so quickly. It was absolutely wonderful to have the option of deciding when it was best to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors rather than having to, come what may, as residents do!

Of course, having boots which could withstand 40 degree below zero weather was great for although my original ones were warm and sexy, I kept sliding when walking in the areas where the snow had started to melt.

And guess what, Jamaica was also present in Breckenridge in the form of Rasta Pasta! Yup. Never stopped to taste it, but it was very much there.

You know the difference between Colorado weather and places like New York? In Colorado the snow melts quickly because of the frequent sunshine here with no huge buildings to bar the sunshine like in New York, the snow melts easily and the place warms up quickly.

On this trip I  discovered that whether it is summer or winter, Breckenridge and the environs the Rocky mountains are absolutely beautiful and an nature lover's dream, for in the summer, it is great for hiking, mountain biking, camping etc and in winter for those so inclined, it is skiing and snow boarding.

However although I became thoroughly immersed in the beauty of  the area, there is no way I would be coming off those steep slopes on either snow boards or skis but much preferred to be a passive observer and a lover of the great outdoors, as long as I  am warmly dressed and  not have to become a resident!

It was when I returned to Denver that it struck me how boring and blah cities are. Most of them except for places like San. Francisco have such a sameness about them..... and the suburbs too. Really I am the happiest when I am in the mountains, snowy or not or at the beach when the sun is hot.

That's what I will do a lot more in 2014.

Breckenridge is some 10,000 feet above Denver and descending from the beautiful Rockies, the view was fantastic as the lower we got, the less snow showed up among the dense pine plantations. The frozen lakes we saw on the way down where people ice fished and even did motor racing. were also so beautiful and calming.

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