Monday, May 19, 2014


I think I have the greatest brother in the world, Bernie. Actually, he is the only one I have ever had so there is no way of comparing in this life, but I have the funny feeling that those in my past life were not as wonderful as Bernie. so I hope he will come back as my big brother in my next life. Who cares if no one else believes in reincarnation, I do and that's how I feel!
Big brother Bernie and daughter Whitney

Although my birthday is not till tomorrow, we had the party to celebrate another great year, on Saturday last, to accommodate him. For when I called him earlier this year to tell him that I would be having a big bash as my grandson Shadrach, whose birthday is six days after mine, would be here for the first time in eight years during May we could celebrate together, he checked with the doctor who sits in for him and told me he could come down a few days earlier. The next surprise came when he and my grandson decided that the party would be better at the beach house in  Duncans than in Kingston so Bernie came down on Wednesday before and Shadrach and his friends headed down the same day to go enjoy the beach. By the time i got down on Friday night, all had been arranged so I came as a guest instead of being the hostess of my own shindig as usual. And it was absolutely wonderful as everything was taken care of.

I had to put in my own treat though, for all my life I  have wanted to make a pig of myself by eating as much of a sucking pig done on a pit, as I could manage and I had planned that aspect of the party way in advance. And boy did I make a go at it this time as we got a nicely sized one from the prison farm in Spanish town and Stewie devised a spit on top of the barbecue, stuffed it with seasoned rice and when it was finished, I had a good go at the crackling before the guests arrived. The rest of the food was absolutely wonderful too but I had eaten so much crackling before that I could not take a message at dinner time! lol.

One of the best aspects of this birthday gathering was having my long time friend Michael James who had been like a little brother to me when we were growing up but since I am bad at keeping in touch with people, it took  Bernie to find him and I saw him for the first time in decades only to learn he too had celebrated a birthday 2 days before. Others who celebrated with me were my cousin Delroy who shares my and Victor whose birthday was actually the day of the party.

Fellow rider friend Pat made the wonderful cakes and my other friends from Fun and Thrills donated it. It was wonderful having so many of that group take the effort to come down, with Barry and Johann riding all the way down while Richard, Pat and Sharon rode part way and the others drove.

Everything was absolutely wonderful, the food, the camaraderie and of course the music which had everyone on the floor until karaoke was set up. Although those of us who dare to sing could never be called singers, that session too was great and hilarious at times.

The big excitement of the night was when Michael (Campbell) fell into the pool fully dressed. Luckily he had a change of clothes.

Yup, we need to celebrate when we again chalk up another year without too many setbacks  and I have been doing it ever since I turned 50 and will be doing it until I drop down dead. What the heck, why not?+


  1. Fabulous birthday celebration for a fabulous free-spirited person. The more I know you Joan the more I love your devil-may-care spirit and good heart.

  2. Oh Barry, you are making me blush. thanks anyway
