Monday, May 26, 2014

Only In Jamaica

I was told a story about an accident on Mount Rosser recently, which if it were not such a sad reflection on our attitudes and callousness to each other, would be very hilarious.

As seems a regular occurrence in that area, a truck's brakes failed and the driver tried desperately to bank it but ended up crashing and destroying a car and a part of a house. He and his sideman were severely injured in the accident.

As it comes to me, whenever trucks crash in that area, many residents move in quickly to pilfer whatever the truck is transporting while totally ignoring the fate of the injured.

This they set out to do at this accident also, only problem is that the truck was empty as it had delivered the goods to St. Ann was returning.

As the driver and sideman lay on the ground injured and in need of assistance, I understand they were severely abused by some citizens for crashing an "EMPTY TRUCK!"

Of course they had no words of sympathy either for those who lost their  vehicle and had their home damaged,  as I understand they too were very distraught. Their one and only concern was that they had found nothing to pilfer!

I keep hoping against hope this report is not true but based on the actions of so many persons at accident scenes in this pathetic country recently,  I am really finding it difficult to dismiss this report.

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