Monday, October 23, 2017

Florida launch of "Looking back...."

Front; Mrs Shagoury (l) who delivered the book review sits beside Dr. Marshall who read from the publication

The Florida launch of my major publication  "Looking Back.....the struggle to preserve our freedoms" which was organized in conjunction with the South Regional Library at Broward Community College on the 21st October was an overwhelming success as the turnout and enthusiasm of the audience certainly exceeded my expectations, especially as I have only been in Florida for less than a year.
This was no doubt due in part to the wide publicity it garnered when I spent time on "Hot Topic" moderated by  Duke of Earle" on am radio WAVS 1170. This program has has an extremely wide Jamaican listenership and I spent a full hour and half the week before on air with him, discussing the book and

Mr. Colin Smith and a few members of his Tallawah Mento Band entertain

answering questions posed by his radio audience.

Further publicity was also  received on "Taking care of business" on the same station moderated by Winston Barnes who is also Vice Mayor of Miramar city. Barnes who started his journalism career in Jamaica, spoke at the launching and was effusive in his praise of Williams for writing a book which will add to the documentation of the political history of our country, giving people a greater understanding of  who we are as Jamaicans.
Mrs. Marcia Ward

Consulting with Vice Mayor Barnes
The function had  kicked off on a happy note with the early attendees being entertained by Tallawah Mento Band under the leadership of well known Jamaican artist/musician/ cultural activist /businessman Colin Smith who also emceed the function.

The  feature address was delivered by Mr. Wayne  Golding Sr. well known immigration lawyer and the Jamaica Diaspora Board  Representative in charge of the Southern USA.

Mr. Golding, was introduced by Ms. Marcia Ward, Asst. Regional Manager of the Broward Library, who also welcomed the guests on behalf of her institution.

In his wide ranging address, Mr Golding
outlined the remarkable achievements of the 13 year old Diaspora Association and the important role it continues to play in the development of Jamaica, not only in financial terms but also by helping the Jamaican government with expertise and assisting Jamaicans overseas understand and  negotiate through the bureaucracy in Jamaica. He urged the Jamaicans in the audience to become involved with the Association so we can all contribute to making the country the dynamo of the region.
Wayne Golding Esq. Addresses the receptive audience

A comprehensive  and interesting review of "Looking Back....." was delivered by Mrs. Yvonne Shagoury, a retired Jamaican businesswoman now resident in Florida and a reading from the chapter entitled "Perception versus Reality,  was read by Dr. Bernard Marshall, foundation member of the Greensboro/ Jamaica friendship Association in North Carolina.
This was followed by me taking only a few questions from the audience before, due to the limited time, moving the vote of thanks and signing books for the appreciative audience.

Autographing a copy of the book for a happy attendee
Mrs. Sheryl Wynter, Information Officer, represented the Jamaica High Commission. 

The Florida launch was a valuable plug for the publication which already receives excellent reviews on at;

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