Friday, October 6, 2017

Green Cay, Boyton Beach

The main building in the background, has an interesting display of the animals in the area. 
I love to go hiking with my Meetup group under the experienced leadership of Jennifer Weis, for as a Florida native, she knows her state extremely well.
This week we retuned to the attractive sand serene Green Cay Nature Center and Wetlands in Boynton Beach, and I didn't mind at all, as at that venue you are guaranteed never to see the same thing each time.

When we returned this week, I noticed that there were none of the animals that I had seen the last time like rabbits and iguanas or even the huge alligator we saw then, beating the water and screaming on top of  his lungs to attract a mate.
A hawk taking  bird's eye view of his surroundings

Instead, we were greeted by a far greater variety of birds preening themselves apparently to attract the humans knocking around with the huge impressive cameras designed to catch every movement their models made.

  For these birds have apparently become quite accustomed to seeing non- threatening humans wondering around with the  huge contraptions which they point at them but they realize they are not dangerous.

I could never recommend a better place to enjoy the wonders of nature.
This woodpecker stops working for a minute to pose

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