Monday, March 26, 2018

March for our lives

This gun owner summed it up
On March 24th, 2018, I joined millions of people throughout the entire world who marched against the toll being taken on innocent people, many of whom are mere children, because of the not only lax but also ridiculous gun laws in the USA.

These marches were organized by the students who were survivors of the latest mass shootings, this time on Valentine's day at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland Florida.

I live about two miles from where this massacre took place but due to what I heard would be parking constraints, I went up to North Lauderdale City Hall, where a group was also marching in solidarity with the Parkland students.

This was a much smaller march but just as enthusiastic as the bigger one in Parkland and the gun owner with the placard saying "This gun owner says no AR-15," summed up our sentiments  exactly, for most of the frequent massacres are carried out by persons who lawfully bought assault rifles, then turned them on civilians.

Look at what that white terrorist did in LasVegas with the dozens of assault rifles that he had transported to his hotel. He murdered 58 music lovers and injured 851, in one fell swoop and using weapons which he acquired legally, Cruz murdered 17 students in 6 minutes with one such rifle which he too had legally acquired although he was only nineteen years old, in other words, too young to buy liquor!
Some students bearing placards wait for the march to start 

This madness is caused by the laws in the USA which allow civilians to buy and keep assault rifles but this is counter to the wishes of  67% of the population according to a February 20, 2018 poll conducted by Quinnipiac University.

That same poll shows that only 29% are opposed to the banning of this weapon.

He came out to make his feelings for the NRA known
Why should civilians
want assault rifles which are clearly weapons of war,  except to murder people?

The National Rifle Association (NRA) which is a white terrorist organization, has for decades paid politicians in Congress, the Senate and the presidency, to keep these weapons on the streets under the guise that to ban them would be a violation of the constitution which gives individuals the right to bear arms.

That is absolute crap.

 I have never heard anyone who is calling for the banning of assault rifles and greater regulation of guns in general, calling for the banning of all guns. However, these assault weapons are designed to kill numerous people quickly and that is what everyone has a problem with as that type of weapon is only necessary when one is on a battlefield.

Will the new energy being injected into the issue by the young people demonstrating and mobilizing people all over the world, which caused close to 750,000 persons to gather in in Washington DC alone, be effective?

I am sure it will despite the fact that a number of politicians, including president Donald Trump, have sold their souls to the NRA.  His campaign got almost $50 million from the NRA for his presidential campaign and he promised the young people who went to see him, to take action, but reversed his decision the minute the NRA went so see him at nightfall!

However, despite the fact that leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and numerous Republican legislators are also on the payroll of the NRA because these young people influenced support in 80 countries in every continent except Antartica. They have pledged not to give up and have made a solemn undertaking to get registered to vote as soon as they reach the required age, power-hungry politicians who had previously been swayed by campaign contributions, will soon have to either bow to the  majority of voters while the NRA watches their millions in contributions go down the drain or get out of politics for the good of the nation.
People socializing after the march in North Lauderdale
In Isiah 11;6, it says  "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them" and while most of this prophecy has yet to be manifested, what I saw on Saturday, convinced me that the last prediction quoted above, is right on target .

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