Monday, April 16, 2018

Touring the Everglades and jamming mento style

Airboats ready to go
I think from the first moment I saw a photograph of an airboat, I was sold.

Last weekend I finally got the opportunity to ride in one and was not at all disappointed.

I can't say why it took me so long or how my grandson Shadrach found a tour before I did since I am normally the "tour guide" who drags every willing participant
Shadrach holding a baby gator

Anyway, he found Sawgrass Recreation center some time ago, went on the tour, showed me pictures and told me about it and I couldn't wait to do the tour myself.

It sure lived up to all my expectations, not the gators and colorful birds we saw in the Everglades but the boat ride.

 I was extremely fascinated each time I saw the captain heading towards a patch of sawgrass reeds then
drive straight through it.
I actually felt like a child for, no matter how often he did it, it still pleasantly surprised me.

I have been around boats most of my life for I absolutely love the water. In fact, I swear I was a mermaid in my past life but that's for another blog!

However,  these airboats go straight through bushes, not around them, for as the name implies, it appears they navigate through the air rather than through the water.

As we flew along through the weeds at really high speeds, I was even more intrigued ( though I shouldn't have been,) when the captain told us that we were in only six inches of water! 

Before we started the tour, we were given earplugs and told the engine was loud and it was, but to me, that was part of the adventure so I lost my plugs quickly.
We saw quite a few gators out there but I am accustomed to seeing them and their cousins, the crocs, so my real fascination was the boat ride, though, at the small zoo section of this attraction, I did see the absolute largest reptile I have ever seen in my life. And he was green to boot. All the other gators I have ever seen were black or grey. This one was green and so huge it gave me the shivers.

Made me kinda feel he could have been around in the days of the dinosaurs!

Anyway loved my airboat ride through the Everglades and can't wait to repeat it.

The versatile musician and distinguished artist Colin Smith (in glasses) leads the jam.
As if that ride was not enough for a  great weekend, my cousin Barry (aka Colin Smith) leads a great mento band, the only mento band in Florida too. It is called Tallawah. 
He had a musical feast at his home on Sunday afternoon, despite the weather reporters predicting a storm starting about 4.30 pm. Well, the prediction was partially correct but fortunately for us, they got the time wrong.

 We, therefore, enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of familiar and entertaining mento music and had repaired inside for a food feast of delicious Jamaican dishes including curry goat and roti, now renamed "coati" by my other cousin super-cyclist Hayden, all before the prediction came through. That storm struck at about 8.30 pm but luckily did not last too long although it was quite fierce.

 Glad the forecasters were wrong for it was really a pleasurable evening with family including one, Everett, who is tracing the family tree and satisfied my curiosity on many angles, therefore making it a satisfying way to bring a really enjoyable weekend to a close.

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