Monday, April 23, 2018

Wow. She's 7 years old!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoorIt seems like just the other day that my granddaughter was born, but today she turns 7 years old.                                                                      It was supposed to be spring in Colorado but despite knowing that their idea of spring can end up being like the heart of winter, I longed to see my family there and so wanted to celebrate with her that I timidly decided to attend for the party they planned for  Saturday last.                                                                                                                                                                                                    The weather report was indicating temperatures of 53 high for the weekend so I was not too worried but boy were they ever wrong for it snowed heavily on Friday night and by Saturday morning we knew we would be in trouble with almost twenty kids to entertain INSIDE!
Luckily, her parents are veryImage may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor resilient so they rose to the occasion and the kids all had a wonderful time, doing arts and crafts and horsing around, as did us oldsters!Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, child and indoor
Most of the parents stayed at the party too to assist and keep their and the other kids entertained, in light of the changing circumstances caused by the weather.
Maddy, whose main concern was getting many gifts was not disappointed either and there was food galore many dishes creatively named and decorated.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, sky and outdoorThe kids did get to go outside for a wee bit too, to play Pinata which involves beating a  stuffed dragon with a baseball bat until it opens up and the sweets stored inside fall out.                                                 Some kids would have liked to have stayed outside longer if they were allowed, but the parents weren't taking any chances with the flu season not yet over.                                                                                                                                             My granddaughter does not allow the snow to stop her from doing anything though as she even went to swimming lessons, yes in an inside pool. She is becoming quite a good swimmer having mastered even the backstroke already.                                                                                                    It was a wonderful party and a great family gathering despite the weather and I am sure happy I went to cold Colorado to celebrate with my granddaughter who is rapidly growing into a beautiful and brilliant young lady.

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