Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Decision 2020; Socialism, Racism or Happiness?

I have just released my new book Decision 2020; Socialism, Racism or Happiness? as an ebook on Amazon and am now working on the paperback then the audio book. It is here; https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Deision+2020+socialism%2C+racism+or+happiness%3F&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

Am so excited.

A brief description
 In this book I dismiss socialism, as there is no stomach for state control of the resources of the nation in this era in; the Democratic Party, the greater USA , or any other country in the world.

I also discount the entire Republican party as it appears to have totally embraced the racist philosophy of its leader Donald Trump, so cannot represent as diverse a people as the citizens of the USA.

Analyzing the top ten happiest countries as they appear in the 2019 World Happiness Report, which incidentally includes Canada, I see great hope for Americans, who are currently according to the report, twice as unhappy as those neighbors!

That hope lies in some of the candidates vying to become the nominee in the Democratic Party, for they are promising to go in the direction of better regulation of the market economy, fairer taxation and more humane social programs, as are normal in those top ten countries.

The Declaration of Independence in the USA, outlines "the pursuit of happiness" as one of its goals, so Americans, if they make the right choice in 2020, will finally have the necessary leadership to achieve that illusive goal.

THE PAPAERBACK IS NOW AVAILABLE AT; https://www.amazon.com/dp/1696578523?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


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