Friday, October 4, 2019


On Saturday 28th September 2019,  I obediently followed my GPS to Micccosukee Casino, somewhere in the Everglades, for as someone who just loves other cultures, I was hoping to learn a lot about the native Americans who populated the state of Florida before the violent immigrants arrived.

Big disappointment.

For this event turned out to be more a promotional affair for the casino and a play day for kids than  anything else.

Oh no, I have nothing against play days for kids, but how about some education instead of just rides that they could get at any third rate amusement park?

Yes, there were some clothes and crafts on display which were quite good and reminded me once again how close the culture of native people from far-flung places all over the world, from south east Asia to Latin America and north America are entwined.  What still remains the big mystery in the world though is for how and when
did all these people who are clearly related, end up in such diverse places all over the world?

But this event did not even try to address this or any other issue.

There were lots of food stalls there too, but indigenous food? I couldn't find any to sample!

One thing that grabbed me in the ad about the day too was Alligator wrestling, and I really looked forward to that.

The alligator in the corner never moved a muscle!

Yes there was, but it was a big joke as one alligator seemed to be so drugged that it never moved at all.

The other with which they did the tricks, though weighing over 500 lbs they claimed, never even moved his normally lethal tail but just opened his mouth on command.

So harmless were these so called monsters that they even charged $5 for kids to sit on their backs and take photos'. The gator's mouth was bound but it was mostly for show I suspect.

On display was a monster vehicle used to maneuver through the everglades

Anyway I am happy I went, for it means next year I wont be conned into putting it in my diary as an 'event not to be missed'!

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