Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pete Buttigieg disrespectful of blacks

By trying to compare bias against homosexuals with racism, Pete Buttigieg demonstrates how disrespectful and uncaring he is of people of color.

This was the unanimous response of participants on the podcast about the November Democratic  debate, in the series entitled Politics across generations, which is aired at;

These podcasts which cover a series of issues raised by persons vying to become president in 2020, provides Political education from the perspective of the Baby Boomers and the Millennial generation coming together to understand each other’s view points and discuss those candidates, as well as their ideas.

The moderator is Shadrach Williams, a 24-year-old Afro-American who is a graduate of Florida International University (FIU) and author of the self-help book “A month to re-create reality,” (available at Other discussants are fellow generation Z member, also a FIU graduate Shadaen Stevens and me the baby boomer.

The angry response to the attempt by the Mayor from a small town in Indiana to equate biased response to homosexuality with racism, elicited comments like; Buttigieg does not care about minorities, he told blacks at a demonstration that he didn’t want their votes, his Douglas Plan is a cheap attempt to bribe black people, he demonstrated ignorance about history and what racism has led to.

For in our view , if Buttigieg was honest, he would admit that blacks were tortured and murdered to force them to work to enrich whites, and even now economic apartheid keeps us back, while homosexuals have never endured such treatment from heterosexuals.

However, it was revealed that none of us had listened to the entire debate, as it was felt, it was too large and unwieldy and came over like a lot of noise. All of us therefore admitted that we got our information on the debate from the news media.

This caused moderator Shadrach, an admirer of Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang, to reveal that Yang’s supporters are so upset about the poor coverage their candidate receives from the traditional media, that it gave birth to the hashtag “Yang media black out” on social media. He said, this victimization of the candidate is because the powerful people who own the media houses do not want the masses to hear what Yang has to contribute, as he is trying to empower regular people.

Although this podcast set out specifically to deal with the latest Democratic debate, Buttigieg’s inappropriate assertion caused the discussion to veer into other areas inculding the serious problems transgender’s are causing in female athletic events.

Moderator Shadrach Williams can be contacted at.  

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