Monday, November 18, 2019

The white establishment would never allow the ‘Douglas Plan’ to succeed

That was the consensus among us discussants reviewing the marshal-style-plan for minorities of color, put forward by presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg.

The discussions took place between Generation Z podcaster Shadrach Williams, his fellow millennia member, psychology major Shadaen Stevens and me the baby boomer author. 

We are all people of color. 

Williams, a recent graduate of Florida International University (FIU) and author of   the self-help book “A month to re-create reality,” (available at expresses his political views via the podcasts entitled “Politics across generations” which are aired at; These podcasts which cover a series of issues, provides Political education from the perspective of the Baby Boomers and the Millennial generation coming together to understand each other’s view points and discuss the candidates, as well as their ideas, for the upcoming 2020 elections. 

According to Buttigieg, his Douglas Plan seeks to tackle systemic racism which has kept Afro-Americans, down for decades. The Plan is named after Frederick Douglas, an escaped slave who became a prominent activist, author, leader in the abolitionist movement. He fought to end the practice of slavery, before and during the Civil War.

This is the only plan with concrete solutions being put forward by any of the politicians seeking the Democratic party’s nomination, to redress to the  inequities suffered by descendants of the slaves, for the economic apartheid which has kept black people in poverty for centuries. 
Some aspects are: a pledge by ‘President’ Buttigieg to award 25% of federal contracting to small business owners from underserved communities; the Walker-Lewis Initiative to triple the number of entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds within a decade, and creating 3 million new jobs in minority communities.

However, the Generation Z discussants regarded the proposal as a cheap attempt to try and bring in black minority support for his campaign. They further opined that even if Buttigieg is genuine with this proposal, there is no way that the white establishment which controls the power in the USA, would allow such a program to succeed.
They backed up their arguments by citing actions by the white senators and congressmen, who frustrated every effort for justice, made by President Barak Obama, the USA’s first afro American President.

This view was further reinforced by evidence presented in my latest book entitled ‘2020 DECISION; SOCIALISM, RACISM OR HAPPINESS?, which is available at: For I went to  great pains in this publication, to back up my claim (from an outsider’s perspective), that the Republican Party is fully racist.

Podcaster Shadrach Williams can be contacted at;

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