Thursday, March 19, 2020

Corona jottings

As I sat down to express my thoughts on this mad virus that has the world in a tailspin, I decided to look up the meaning of the word 'corona' for didn't the Japanese company which manufactures Toyota, name one of their models corona some years ago?

That's what drove me to the on-line dictionary. There were several meanings listed but I assume the one the Japanese were thinking of was; "likened to a crown". In giving the origin, it says "mid 16th century (in corona 1 (sense 5)): from Latin, ‘wreath, crown’."

I wonder if anyone still has a Toyota corona and if it is today considered valuable or a piece of junk? Remind me to check this out one day.

Well so much for that civilized Corona product (in addition to the beer) for the Corona we now have is the evil one that has brought the world to a standstill! (How on earth did it earn such a lofty name?)
I have been enjoying my retirement and why shouldn't I, for didn't I have to work more than fifty years (many decades of which I had to finance the education of my daughter and grandson almost single-handedly, except for the regular assistance of my big brother Bernie!) to get to this stage? \

So I was determined to spend as much of the rest of my life as possible, doing the things I love most, ... travelling and writing. 

Then corona stepped in. So is it that I should  now just get accustomed to writing only?

For I was  scheduled to arrive in Nairobi, Kenya on the 1st April 2020,  after flying out from Florida on the 31st March. (Maybe I should stop making serious plans for dates that include all fool's day!😇😇😇)

Long story short, the world locked down on me for not only did I see flights being cancelled and airports locked down but then the Kenyan government, like most governments throughout the world, put out an advisory that only their citizens and residents would be let in. But that turned out to be good luck for the next thing I knew, my Canadian hosts were ordered home by their government, so if by chance I did reach Kenya, I would have been homeless.

Hopefully, I will see you later my gracious hosts, the Masai, lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes and all the other fantastic animals found in that wonderful region.

You know, I had forgotten until my brother reminded me, that this was my second attempt to try to visit the land of my dreams, which had been frustrated. For in 2019, a number of us planned to set out for that very destination, but one of the group, got ill and had to undergo an emergency operation.  Thank heavens it was successful but since then, no one else had appeared to be in the mood for the long trek so soon after.

I am positive my third attempt in late 2020 or early 2021 will be successful though. For I can't be so bad lucked can I?
So here I am in the USA where things have come to a full stop. 

With the community center where I  do my yoga, zumba and play pickle-ball now locked down tighter than a sardine can, I have had to find some morning activity to I remain healthy so I can take on the world when it opens up.

Well on Monday I went riding on my bicycle but the next day, I rediscovered our fully equipped recreation center for which I have been paying maintenance but not using the facilities. So  I went there to the gym, hot tub then pool. No other human being around so it was quite good.
I therefore shall return daily.

So while corona may be a temporary setback, it certainly is not going going to stop me or keep me cooped up inside. Maybe I will change my routines and travel less for a while, but that's about it.

 ðŸ˜Š And I shall remain fit and healthy and ready to move on when the rest of the world opens up.


  1. Stay healthy my Auntie!! ❣️

  2. ...sorry to disappoint you Joan, but no tigers in Kenya... but all the other felines: lions, leopards, cheetahs, serval cats... and everything else! You will love it. Meanwhile, we are busy packing up!
