Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The circle of life

There is a feature on Facebook which I really cherish. That is their reminding us of your posts and photos posted years ago.

This picture  below, from sometime in 2016 was especially memorable.

Here I am, looking down the throat of a nurse shark, as a fisherman held its jaws open.

On that particular day, I had been returning from Bob Marley beach in Bull Bay, St. Andrew, Jamaica after a vigorous ride there with my fiends from Fun and Thrills Adventure club, to enjoy a Saturday morning swim.
Just before reaching the main road, I had run into two men, one pushing a wheelbarrow with a strange looking creature inside.

Curious, I stopped to find out what it was. When I was told it was a nurse shark, I berated the men for killing the poor creature which I declared was harmless.

That's when one told me it had been caught in his fishing net into which it had stealthily entered it to eat the fish inside.

He then pried its jaws open, to show me the evidence of its dastardly act.

He said he was going to sell it to a security company to recoup some of his losses. They he said, would grind it up for dog food.

That dear friends was another valuable lesson for me about the circle of life.


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