Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Divide and rule

When the first white settlers set foot in North America, they tried to wipe out the native people totally, in order to steal their land. 

The rest of the well-armed white world stood silently and observed the attempted genocide but did nothing.

The white settlers learnt a lifelong lesson about the inaction of spectators.

So since gaining control of this great land, they have perfected the art of maintaining total dominance and control over every other race, whether native or fellow immigrants, by exploiting differences and picking them off one by one.

For they recognize the truth of  Edmond Burke's words; " The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (people) to do nothing."

They brought in black slaves from Africa and when they could no longer work them to death, their various white supremacist groups tried to violently eliminate them. Those that survived were subjected to the most vicious psychological, financial and physical atrocities. While a few whites were uncomfortable with this, because they loved the benefits of white privilege more, the majority remained silent. 
Many minorities here, also remained silent as they had never been enslaved.

Next, the oppressors targeted the Japanese who had come in and helped to build their railroads.

Other minorities kept their eyes tightly closed.

After 2002, it was the Muslims, because of the bombing of the twin towers and because their religion was different.

Most other minorities have remained basically silent, whether out of religious differences or fear.

Hispanics who had long been conveniently divided by the 'rulers' between the privileged Cubans and others, were next in line. So after 2016, they were lumped into one group because they were procreating too rapidly and they were just not white enough for the ruling Republican establishment.

Most members of other minority groups have basically looked on in silence.

Then in 2020, Corona virus made not only Chinese citizens in the USA but also anyone looking like a south east Asian, the target of the hatred. So today, hourly news reports about such people being harassed, cursed, spitted on and violently attacked, lead the news. 
 I have even seen tweets and other comments from minorities who comment approvingly, for they had long resented the superior attitude of many of the Asian people and the advantages some are given in the universities.

The ability of the white American establishment to find and exploit differences that keep minorities dividied while they rule supreme, has led me to wonder whether most of us have never understood the depth of the poem written in the 1930's by German cleric Martin Niemoeller. 

It said;

In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
 Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. 
 Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
 Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. 
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
When will we learn that "divide and conquer" will always give oppressors the edge over us?

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