Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Machu Picchu Exhibition

One country that was way up on my bucket was Peru.

You see, I am a history buff, especially when it comes to the life of indigenous people.

Peru is replete with this kind of information as it has one of the longest histories of civilization of any country, going back as far as the 10th millennium BCE. 

Their civilizations ranged from the Norte Chico civilization to the Inca Empire, the largest state in the pre-Columbian Americas.

The most famous relic of Inca civilization is Machu Picchu, often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas". The Incas built it around 1450 and occupied it until around 1532 when they abandoned it after the Spanish conquest, according to the radiocarbon-dating.

Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historic Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and in 2007, it was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide internet poll.

Their capital is Cusco, centered on the Andean Mountain ranges, and having heard so much about that empire, it was my main drawing card to that country for years.

This desire was driven even more, when my best friend, a flight attendant, went there and told me what a wonderful experience it was, despite having to travel on narrow, winding roads atop deep scary ravines, to get there.

Although I hate heights, that description did not scare me one bit as my desire to see it for myself was overwhelming.

Boca Raton mueseum of art

However, I had not been able to realize my dream due to lack of funds. So, when I learnt that a Machu Picchu exhibition would be on display near me at the Boca Raton Museum of Art, wild horses could not prevent me from attending.

So, I went and it was everything I had expected. But guess what, when I saw the actual height of this fabulous archeological wonder in3D, I knew immediately that the trip to get up there was not for me! For, it brought back such vivid memories of the time I climbed a pyramid in Mexico. Going up, no problem. Looking down, major trauma!

So, thanks to Boca Raton Museum for the wonderful exposure to the wonders of that ancient empire but more importantly, curing my desire to make a trek to somewhere that would have scared the hell out of me!😁

But if you are not a scaredy-cat like me, it must be an awesome place to visit.

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