Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Return to DC

The world is so huge and beautiful and we have so little time here, that I have often resolved not to visit anywhere more than once. 

There have to be a few exceptions of course.

One is been Washington DC, due to the Smithsonian and Georgetown.

The last time I visited, was probably over 30 years ago, so have long been yearning to return, especially since learning that the Smithsonian Zoo had added pandas. 

You see, China is nowhere on my bucket list so the only place I will see pandas is at a zoo!

Then there is the addition of the African American Museum (designed in the shape of the crown of an African queen) into the extensive complex of Smithsonian musea. And of course, the Martin Luther King memorial.

After several false starts, I finally made it back to DC in November 2021, just before thanksgiving. But alas my timing was bad, for on trying to get into the wonderful, informative Natural History Museum, saw a line stretching around two blocks in under 60 degree temperature.

Section of Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

I had been taken to the Natural History Museum by long-lost cousins, but when we saw that the visit was fruitless due to the long line, I got a tour of old Alexandria, Virginia, where they live.

That trip was extremely enlightening as previously, when I heard of Virginia, I thought of lynchings and other horrible things.

Not up north in Alexandria though. That is really a charming city built on a section of the Potomac River with full view of the Ronald Reagan airport. 

It’s a favorite among people who love to relax by the river, enjoy delicious seafood and the charm of the area, while watching planes take off and land.

I belong to that type of crowd!

That short tour of the quaint, artsy waterfront and old Alexandria in general, certainly whet my appetite and I will certainly like to return during the summer.

I ventured back into DC on Thanksgiving afternoon and was happy to get into the Natural Science Museum for about an hour before closing time. But as it was late, so I just did not get to see all I wanted to.

My luck with the African American Museum was also bad, for I never researched the entry conditions, so never knew that you had to make an appointment to get in. When I tried on-line, the earliest date for entry was December 9th 2021.

Its shaped like the crown of an African queen

Strike 2  but not really out as I did get to visit the Martin Luther King Memorial and it is as wonderful as one could expect it to be. For apart from his statue, the entire complex is filled with quotes from the great man etched, into the walls surrounding the statue.

A most appropiate and deserving memorial.

Of course, I did revisit the white house area and was surprised to observe that the office of the vice president appears to be much larger than those attached to the white house. 

Maybe the presidents just talk and the veeps do all the work. Who knows?

Of course, based on the news, I expected to see several demonstrations around the white house but only saw mostly secret service people and one lone lady, with a placard calling for the removal of troops from Corea, (Korea,) using the original spelling!

There was also a man in a camp across the street from the white house, where he appears to live, surrounded by placards on just about every subject.

Then there was good old Georgetown, one of my favorite places in the USA. 

While there are quite a few high rises added, it really has not lost its charm, thank heavens.
Placards galore

Yes, I know, I tell myself that I need not visit any place more than once, but it is clear that I will have to return to DC and its environs from time to time, if I really want to keep up with the tremendous strides in updating the history of the USA.


Georgetown has retained its charm

Another section of Georgetown

Section of Georgetown

Secret service everywhere

A reminder at the Lincoln memorial

This art complex is called torpedo! Thats a real one behind me😏

This is the largest orangutan I have ever seen

The Veep's office in DC


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