Monday, June 27, 2022


I fervently believe that every human adult has a right to be in control of their own body, period.

So, I am of course consumed by the madness in the USA, where a bunch of mostly white men, (plus Clarence Thomas who is an Uncle Tom!) had the gall to overturn Roe v Wade.  Ie. Now a woman has no control over what happens to her body and if she does what these men say she shouldn’t, she could become a criminal.

I was also sick to the stomach watching Donald Trump gloat that it was his selection of conservative judges that brought this about. This from a man whose main claim to fame is that he has been accused by more than twenty women for rape/sexual harassment and admittedly grabbing women by their pussies!

He is clearly reinforcing the theme popular in the white evangelical movement and among most male conservatives that women were put on earth to give men pleasure and are in no way, shape or form equal to men!

Can you imagine these heartess anti-abortion people have no concern where the mother’s health is at risk, or if the pregnancy of a child was caused impregnated through rape or incest! In such a case, it is the mental health of the child versus the fetus.

Can you imagine the mental damage it must do to the child to have to carry around the constant reminder of the trauma for months on end?

In my book, whether one is Republican, Democrat or no party, no one can be dogmatic about when a fetus becomes a human being. Is it when a heart-beat can be detected or when the fetus is capable of surviving on its own?

I have no idea and personally have no problem with early abortion, that is, when it is a mere egg mixed with some sperm.

Beyond that though, personally, it makes me a bit queasy.

HOWEVER ONLY THE WOMAN, HER CONSCIENCE, MEDICAL ADVISOR AND WHERE RELEVANT, FAMILY, should make that decision, certainly not men or government.

For if government is to get involved in what is done to people’s body, shouldn’t they start giving vasectomies to men who have a maximum two children and do not support them? For we know, that many women are forced to have abortions as they know they cannot afford to support a child.

In the great USA, almost 15 million children are found to live in poverty!

According to recent statistics, in the USA, there are more women registered to vote than men, (74.1% v 71.2%), so it seems to me that women need to be mobilized to decide who should be in control of their bodies.

Problem is, the Republicans who are the ones who are convinced that they were put on earth to control women, are much better political strategists than the Democrats who say they are for personal liberties.

Quite frankly, I find the Democrats quite ineffective and reactionary.

They never seem to be capable of developing plans and strategies to advance their policies, but instead are always bawling about what the Republicans are doing!

That’s why Lindsay Graham could boast that Republicans decided fifty years ago to overturn Roe v Wade and worked towards controlling the Supreme Court. That is why The NRA through the Republicans can keep weapons of war on the streets while the majority of the people in the USA oppose this policy.

So, what next? Watch the Republicans get rid of Obamacare and everthing else to help the poor and dispossessed, while the Democrats only bawl.



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