Sunday, June 26, 2022

Trump with or without brains?

Some Republicans seem confident that they can get their beloved Donald Trump to be the President of the United States in 2024, without having to put up with Trump himself and his unattractive baggage!

How is this going to be achieved?

Pick Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida to be their candidate.

They are so impressed with this politician that already he is being dubbed Trump with brains!

Further, a survey done by The University of New Hampshire, found that support for DeSantis has more than doubled since last October to 39% while 37% of likely voters said they would vote for Trump and only 9% said they would vote for former vice president Mike Pence.

Having a Trump with brains would be a dream for Republicans but it would be hazardous to the health of entire world. For if Trump was not so rash and unpleasant, he would have gotten a second term and can you imagine how catastrophic that would have been?

To begin with, there would be no Ukraine today as he would have fractured NATO and have helped Putin in any way he could.

Autocracy would become the order of the day in the USA too. For as the January 6th enquiry is showing, Trump would have destroyed every institution set up to protect democracy.

Now what about DeSantis?

When he was running for governor, he demonstrated what a Trump cultist he was by even airing a series of tv ads showing him teaching his baby daughter to read, using Trump’s Art of the Deal!

He is also an autocrat who will whittle away at the liberties that Americans have become accustomed to.

Already, he has welcomed the return of young women to the dark ages, where they are no longer in control of their own bodies. He has even started to personally censor text books being used in the schools. (don’t say ‘gay ‘ bill which even censors the teaching of anything to do with slavery!)

Billboad protesting DeSantis' censorship

As to freedom of expression, Disney discovered to their chagrin, that if they wish to do business in Florida, they cannot disagree with anything DeSantis says!

The economy too will be in turmoil for what the republicans loved about Trump and hail as his economic prowess, is the policies that make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

A win for Trump with brains or dumb Trump, will be the same misery for the majority of the American people.

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