Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Lake Louise

My cousin in Canada sent these fabulous pictures of Lake Louise.

Lake Louise is an absolute beautiful hamlet within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It was originally settled as an outpost for the Canadian Pacific Railway. It has an elevation of over 500 feet and is surrounded by the most scenic Mountains.

This is one place in Canada which will forever remain in my memory, not because if its beauty, but because of the horrible weather!  I had never visited Banff when I resided in Canada, but went there years later with my children and my (late) favorite aunt, Aunt Bell, whose name was really Louise and who  was a world traveler.

I am sure she is still travelling!💝😍

It was the middle of summer when we went there or so we thought

Naturally we were all in shorts and summer wear. Then guess what, at 3pm it started to snowIt was the 16th August and I will always remember that experience whenever I think of Alberta. For this is place where you go around equipped with three types of clothes, a taxi driver had told us as we shivered, calling a cab while trying to get to somewhere warm after that day. For according to her , no matter what time of year it is, it can move from summer to spring or winter at a minutes notice. Don’t I know that?

I have never been back to Lake Louise but seeing these pictures did make me feel that maybe one day I should return.


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