Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Memories of Jamaica's 60th Anniversary celebrations.

I understand those persons who thought that in Jamaica on August 6, 2022, we were making too big a thing out of the celebrations to mark our 60th anniversary from British rule.

 That is because successive governments since independence have been so corrupt and such failures.

But, while I sympathize with that outlook, we must consider how horrible it would have been if we were still being ruled by the British who had enslaved our ancestors, enriched their crown and country through the free labor of our people who they brought in chains from Africa, then oppressed us further during the colonial period!

Yuck, that  concept is so terrible that the very thought causes shivers to run down my spine.

So yes, successive governments have not done half as well as they should have but at least we have our freedom and our dignity, even if technically we have not yet removed the queen of England as the head of our country.

I really don’t know what we are waiting for.πŸ˜–

Despite failing governments, we Jamaicans has built quite a reputation for ourselves all over the world, through the individual achievements of our artists, cultural icons and sports people.

We are so respected worldwide that even Niagra Falls in Canada took on the colors of our flag😊

And our Caricom sister Guyana, had a member of their Defense Force parachuted into the arena carrying our flag.

Good going.

And while it has mainly been though individual effort, our Sunshine Girls Netball team which has been consistently outstanding for decades, gave us a special boost just before this years celebrations, by 
winning gold and the title of Caribbean Champions at the inaugural Caribbean Games.          
  No wonder they are honored with this well-deserved monument in front of the National Arena.

Anyway I stray, for I set out to comment on the impressive celebrations for our 60th Anniversary.

I visited the Independence Village on the National Arena grounds and it was really well done, not only in terms of decor, displays but the mini stage shows and general entertainment as well.

I have a problem with the colors of our flag though.

They are supposed to be black, green, and gold but clearly many people do not know this as black, yellow and green were all over the place, even at some government establishments! 

I actually like the yellow but we have to make up our minds, is it supposed to be yellow or gold? 

Whatever we decide on, we should stick with it shouldn’t we ? 

Anyway, all over Jamaica the celebrations were in full force. I loved the spirit reported in Treasure Beach in my home parish, where many boats went out to sea carrying our flag

I was in Kingston but avoided the Grand Gala at the National Stadium, as I wasn’t about to take on the large crowd. Luckily maybe, for as it turns out, they had printed far more tickets than they had seats for, so many people were turned away.

Overhead view of the National Stadium where the grand gala was displayed

But I watched the excellent videos on You Tube including the drone exhibition which was really exceptional.

Part of the drone exhibition

Instead, I visited my close friends in Lauristan St. Catherine, where they had a small celebration, mostly for the children.

 Lauristan, often gets a bad rap in the press, especially since the “Clansman Gang trial.” But those gangsters do not live in Lauristan which is a very nice area, but instead, on the fringes where squatters have basically captured the gully bank. So, I have never had any fear going into that community. In fact, I had spent many early Christmas mornings going Carol Singing at people’s gates, over the years.

You see, my friend Audley Nain is the President of that Citizen’s Association there and the time and effort he and his wife Marcia have spent making that association work well is just phenomenal.

With the Nain family

For independence, they organized to have popcorn/icicle/soda stations, food, bounce about and other rides for the kids. I was especially intrigued by the merry go round which was operated manually, something I had not seen since I was a child!

The adults were also treated to free food and drinks, all donated by community members.

Where I got in my element however, was when the entertainment started. This was provided by a youthful revival band which brought me to my feet instantly.

You know, I would probably be religious today, if I had been brought up in the Pocomania religion. As a child I was dragged to boring church services, but was always distracted and motivated hearing the pulsating revival music piercing the quiet Malvern atmosphere, as members of that religion who worshipped nearby, have always taken the charge in the bible to “make a joyful noise,” literally.

But I was deprived, as I was born during the colonial period when Afro-Centric religions we maligned as being somewhat satanic.

So, I was never allowed to attend their church and now as an adult, every time I hear their music it lifts my spirit.

This Afro based music consolidates our real distance from Britain and put me inna mi element. 😊. 

I enjoyed our 60th Anniversary celebrations everywhere. 


Some former athletes who originally made Jamaica respected overseas

JCDC displays Independence Village


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