Monday, October 3, 2022


The NDTC performance was superb, and in fact they seem to have soared to new heights. 
The costumes were attractive and super-creative, the choreography magnificent, the music well-chosen and the energy contagious.

For the benefit of those not up to date on Jamaican culture, the NDTC (National Dance Theatre Company) is a real Jamaican institution, having been formed in 1962, the same year we became an independent nation.

 It was founded by the late Professor Rex Nettleford and late renowned dancer Eddy Thomas, and their excellence has earned them international acclaim over the past six decades.

South-Miami-Dade Cultural Center

Congratulations to the Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council which brought them back to Florida after the terrible hiatus caused by the awful covid. This was part of the Council’s fund-raising thrust to provide scholarships to the Edna Manley College of Visual and Performing Arts, which plays a critical role in preserving and disseminating Jamaican culture. 

Joan, Camille and Carol, drove an hour and half one way, to attend the performance

This performance was so highly anticipated, that the tickets for the performance in nearby Miramar, were sold out with the blink of an eye. So, my friends and I had to travel almost an hour and a half down to South Miami-Dade Cultural Center in Cutler Bay, to take it in.

But the performance was more than worth the long trip.

Rita in wheel chair. At extreme right, Colin Smith, President of Louise Bennett-Coverly Heritage Council and beside him, Donisha.

A welcome surprise too was the honoring of the Marley matriarch, Rita. She was accompanied by her accomplished granddaughter Donisha Prendergast, who is an actress, model, dancer and poet. 

She expressed her thanks to the Louise Bennett-Coverley Council on behalf of the Marley family.


1 comment:

  1. Seems wonderful show by NDTC
    There work is legendary. Good to see originals like Rita. Happy you were well entertained
