Monday, October 3, 2022

Thank you Val Demings

Val Demings deserves a special award!

For the benefit of those who don’t know her, she is the person challenging Republican Marco Rubio for a senate seat in Florida.

To tell the truth, as I am new to Florida, I had never heard about her until I started to see her ads for the senate seat on tv. However, I now know she is a former chief at the Orlando Police Department and the elected Representative for the Florida's 10th congressional district in the US Congress since 2016.

In my book, the special award she deserves is for exposing Republican men, a few brain-washed females and conservative members of the Supreme court, for supporting violent criminals while trying to victimize further, their female victims.

 In one of her television ads, Ms. Demings, as a former police officer, reminds the naïve that rape and incest are criminal offences

And I might add, extremely violent offences.

For in their rush to persecute women and children who are violated by these violent offenders and will no doubt suffer mental trauma for years to come,  the Republicans regularly paper over these criminal acts and show no disapproval of them!

For centuries, the debate about nurture versus nature has been topical with no side winning. However, wouldn’t most children born of violence be doomed to themselves perpetuate violence? Is it therefore surprising that statistics show that violence in the USA is increasing exponentially.

I say no surprise, as children naturally carry a lot of the traits inherited from their parents.  While no comprehensive study has ever been done, I suspect that a high percentage of the persons conceived via rape or incest, end up as purveyors themselves. Especially with  powerful voice like the GOP treating these violent acts as nothing. 

For in their rush to take away control of our bodies from us, that’s exactly what they are implying. In fact, one even gets the impression that they think violent rapists and incestuous men are saints and their victims, sinners.

Thank you Val Demings for clarifying the matter so succinctly.

Ignore the facts at your peril!







  1. She has our vote 100% Thanks for your input and sincere gift “of what’s wrong can’t be right” NO WAY !

  2. She also played a major role in Trump’s second impeachment trial. A grounded, forthright and decent individual. Wishing her every success.

  3. Yes Val got my vote

  4. I'll never understand how women support these men who condone rape and incest and feel like the woman deserves the punishment.
