Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tamarac Senior Center

This week, Tamarac Senior Center celebrates “Happy Customer Service Week.”

Bully for them, for being an exercise freak, every week I appreciate this organization and all its staff, more.

I do kick boxing, Zumba, jazzercise and yoga there, but my favorite is kick boxing. For not only does one learn basic moves to protect oneself, but also the well planned exercises taught to us by our instructor Mark Wynter, builds muscles. And you know that as you get older you lose muscle mass.

Some jazzersizers.

 My one regret is that kick boxing is only taught once per week and worse only on a Mondays, on which public holidays fall, thus depriving us of this essential exercise on those days.

Zumba time 

Anyway, its good that the Centre appreciates us their customers, for not only do many seniors from  Tamarac really appreciate them and their very pleasant staff, but also, so do many seniors from nearby cities such as Sunrise, Margate and Coral Springs. For they too  attend many of our classes.

Thank you Michelle Sendik and team.



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