Saturday, February 25, 2023

A touching musical

The news last night was terrible. For that is when we learned that our super-organizer and host, Charlene Nevadomski, will no longer  be in charge of, or accompanying us on the wonderful outings to see great musicals that come to Broward County.😭😭😭😭😭

Charlene center in white coat

This program is an excellent offering by the Tamarac Senior Centre, which not only exposes us to excellent musical productions a la Broadway, but also enhances the level of camaraderie among us seniors. 

For apart from the shows, we go beforehand to carefully selected restaurants, where we dine and exchange views.

Although Charlene appears to have gotten a promotion within Tamarac City and will therefore be an outstanding performer wherever she goes, we are going to miss her terribly as she has such an engaging personality.

Last night, we went first to Bahama Breeze where I was met with plaque made from the bottle corks of Jamaica’s famous Red Stripe beer.

And Shawn who drove us safely to and from Lauderhill Performing Arts Center, was a careful and extremely pleasant driver.

This presentation of 42nd Street, the musical, was outstanding, touching but witty and energetic. (as have all the musicals I have attended so far, for they are carefully chosen by Charlene.

42nd Street is a 1980 Broadway production which has won the Tony Awards for Best Musical and Best Choreography and it has been a long-running hit.

Lauderhill Performing Arts Center

It is based on the 1932 novel by Bradford Ropes that follows the rehearsal process of a Broadway show put on during the height of the Great Depression.

The cast

So as usual, the show was enjoyable and the dozen of us seniors from the center who attended, were a really cool and entertaining group.

Walk good Charlene.



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