Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The US postal service sucks.

Ever since Louis DeJoy was appointed head of the USPS in 2020, one has seen many news items about how he had cut the budget and staff drastically and this had led to many problems.

Well in my experience, USPS does not only have many problems, it is a total disaster!

 I moved in early December 2022, from one block in an apartment complex to another and immediately filled in the form at www.mymove.com/moving/planning/  and received a reference number. I established an account too and got daily notices on my dashboard about what mail they had for me to be delivered to my new address.

Well, my mail stayed in the system (shitstem) and was either retuned to sender or disappeared into the stratosphere, as nothing ever came to my box for 2 months!

During that period, I sent no less than 15 emails to just about every relevant authority at USPS but a got about three replies, the most ridiculous one saying that the address could not be found!

This is an apartment complex with about thirty condos with residents who receive mail!

The only person who apparently wanted to help Nathan Orr at Move Update Department. In one reply, he sent the Delivery Supervisor’s phone number 9547224476, but either that phone was deliberately taken off the hook from early morning, (as I tried dozens of times and only got busy signals) or maybe it was changed or does not work at all.

When I pointed out this to Mr. Orr, he directed me to the Consumer Affairs office of the Postal Service. I did and apart from them giving me a reference number, they did nothing.

In the meantime, I went to the Tamarc Post Office and asked to see a supervisor. The lady to whom I spoke, asked what I wanted and when I explained she told me that as long as I have a reference number, the address change was in process, but it took a few weeks.

When I told her it had almost been two months since I had changed the address and received no mail, she shrugged and said I would just have to wait.

In the meantime, I kept getting notices from USPS on my dashboard and actual pictures of the letters/packages that were coming to my mailbox soon. LOL

Not one item was received for two months.

Since moving too, I was never lucky enough to see the mail delivery person until Saturday, February 4.

 Quickly, I told her of my difficulties and she told me that a tape had been placed over the section of my box where the delivery people drop the mail, after the previous occupant left that condo. (This was to prevent her mail from being delivered to that address after she left).

That tape was only visible to the delivery person, not me.

As no one instructed that the tape be removed when my information was submitted to move.com, my mail could not be delivered to that box.

I have never been happier to receive junk mail than on Saturday 4th, as that’s all she had for me on that day as everything else sent to me over the past two months had supposedly been returned.

This madness was caused by the total breakdown in inter-departmental communication within the USPS.

If this is how Mr. DeJoy is upgrading the USPS, god help us.


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