Saturday, April 29, 2023

He is just too old!

I find the Republican party totally abhorrent.

But that’s the not the worse thing, for the reality is they are not only hazardous to the American nation and democracy, but America has such international influence, that another Trump or similar madman, could cause world chaos.

So why is it that the Democrats seem so determined to give them the presidency in 2024? For if they run Biden again, that’s exactly what they will be doing.

For Joe is just too old.

Yes, I know America has something called ageism which liberals love to throw around, but as a senior citizen, I claim privilege.

I am not saying that Biden is not a good president. He certainly is when compared to the previous one.

But we old people need to acknowledge that while we like to tell ourselves that we don’t feel any different than when we were 30 or 40 or whatever, that’s just fooling ourselves.

I was a great driver and loved the road, but do you think I would take on the job of a ride share or school bus driver? Of course not, for I recognize that I no longer have the agility nor quick response capability to do such jobs safely or even stay on the road too long.

Biden is clearly aging fast in front of our very eyes and unless the Dems find someone suitable and soon, they will have served the majority of the people in the country badly.

Elections are all about popularity and the vast majority of people polled say they don’t want Biden as he is too old to run again. I agree totally.

Of course, a similar number say they don’t want Trump to run again, but even if he does (hopefully he will be locked up by 2024 for trying to steal an election!), he can be beaten by any good candidate.

For what good policies do Republicans have to swing the independent voters?

Absolutely none.

Another negative for the Biden rerun, is having Kamala taking over if he drops down dead or is incapacitated.

Harris is ineffective as VP for the only job she had was to deal with the border issue and look at the mess down there.

Anyway, she was not even popular with Democrats during the 2019 primaries, for whereas in February 2019 she had 12 percent of Democrat voters and after insulting Biden in the debates it rose to 15 percent, by December, she had to drop out as she only had 3 percent support!

Come Democrats, you can do better than that.

As it stands, the only person who seems anxious to take on Biden is vaccine denier, Robert Kennedy Jr. And although his only claim to fame is the Kennedy name, according to the Washington Post, he already has 19% favorability rating.

Cleary democrats are desperate for someone else if Kennedy can poll so well so quickly!

Anyway, in 1992, Democratic organizer extraordinaire, James Carville coined the phrase; ‘it’s the economy stupid’ and it's as true today as it was then.

That is also going to feature way up in the issues in 2024 and with a paltry 1% GDP growth in the last quarter, that’s no recommendation for Biden. And with the serious discussions at OPEC about replacing the US$ as their trading currency, bank failures, (First Republic Bank on the brink now) things do not appear too rosy for the US economy in the short run.

Democrats need to tell uncle Joe thanks very much for pulling back the USA from the edge of international isolation and madness in 2020, but with all the challenges ahead, the job has to be completed by someone younger.

Not him, not Kamala. 






  1. Totally agree, but who?? Still I have to vote for him if no one else comes forth! We definitely need a young energetic candidate, but who ??

  2. I'm with ypu on this issue. Dems are not even trying to identify anybody else. His memory is slipping fast and I don't see him going through the rigors of campaigning either.
