Sunday, May 7, 2023

Karma is real

 Well, there you have it!

An adulterous couple is now not only head of fading England, ( once leader of the greatest empire in the world,) but also the Commonwealth and the head of the Church of England.

Poor God.

Of course, it is not the first time that adulterers have been heads of a major religion. In fact, when compared to former kings and queens of England, Charles and Camelia are probably saints. For they have no slaves (that we know of), have never murdered millions to increase their resources and enrich their empire etc.!

What has always amazed me in religious arguments is the Christian attitude to adultery.

Most Jamaican children (including yours truly) are taught from they can listen, to obey the ten commandments. What I have always found hilarious in discussions with parsons, deacons, or any high male official of the Christian church, is that whenever I broach the subject of adultery with them, they either totally ignore the question and start ranting about homosexuality, etc  (which is not even banned in the commandments ) or hurry off as they are always late for some appointment.😅 

 So, Charles and Camelia are well suited for being the head of the huge, influential, international Anglican Church aka Church of England.

Anyway, the British can do what they want and choose who they want to be the role models for their children but must Jamaicans and other black people always walk behind them peep peek cluck cluck?

Jamaica only finally tek shame outta wi eye after being embarrassed by Barbados (little England), in finally moving to get rid of the British monarchy as our head of state. But are we really going to be remaining in a Commonwealth headed by them?

Really, what benefit is the Commonwealth to us anyway and in terms of who heads it, surely this black-dominated body can do better than that!

I never watched the coronation as my stomach could not take it, but every newscast I have tried to watch over the last 24 hours has had an overabundance of snippets from the event. Seeing the Ja$ 24,123,750,000 (that’s what 125 million British pounds works out to be) parade put on yesterday, I hope the black people who attended were only there to enjoy the costumes, pageantry and splendor and not to pay homage to the new royals!

For, while we black people are among the most forgiving people in the world and many still tend to worship the British and all the other despots whose ancestors have murdered, enriched, enslaved and exploited our ancestors, karma is real

For, not too long ago, we heard that the ‘sun could never set on the British empire, but  England is today a mere shadow of itself. (five prime ministers in six years, the struggling economy, rising unemployment, crippling inflation, decline in trade, frequent strikes etc.)

I suspect too that under King Charles 111 and Queen Camelia, its descent into oblivion and international insignificance will be even more rapid.

 For Karma is real!

1 comment:

  1. Simon Charles Dorante-Day will soon bring the curtains down. He's still working on the scandal. Enjoy the moment King and Queen. Your son is coming for his birthright😁😁
