Monday, May 8, 2023

Snoop Dogg versus Clarence!

Two black men made the headlines in the USA this week but for totally different reasons.

They were Calvin Broadus Jr. aka Snoop Dogg and Clarence Thomas.

Snoop is a multi-talented artist, social media influencer,  sports enthusiast, philanthropist (His non-profit Snoop Youth Football League seeks to empower youths and build character through athletics ), and an extremely successful businessman.

He made the news because a new business venture he is embarking on is to try to buy the Ottawa Senators, an ice hockey team!

While his main motivation is no doubt to make money, I saw him in an interview saying that he loves ice hockey but is disappointed that so few people of color are recruited to play this sport professionally. So by owning an ice hockey team, he hopes he will help to correct this.

Bravo Snoop. He is such a conscious and proactive person.💓

The other person I referred to was Clarence Thomas, the only black man on the US Supreme Court.

While seeing someone like themselves serving on the highest court in the land should be an incentive to black youth, Thomas made the news for the wrong reasons. 

For now lots of evidence is emerging to suggest that Thomas has sold his very soul and could now be considered the willing modern-day slave of a white man.

His puppet master is GOP billionaire Harlan Crow.

This is so embarrassing to people of color, whose ancestors were owned by rich whites who used violence to keep them and against whom they had to fight and shed blood for decades to free themselves.

But Thomas now appears to be voluntarily owned lock, stock and barrel by this billionaire.😠

I knew from having watched the Anita Hill hearings when he was being confirmed, that there was no good in this man.

He is however turning out to be a bigger disgrace than any of us could have imagined.😡

Hopefully, vulnerable black youth will realize that it's the Snoop Dogg's not the Clarence Thomas', who are the real heroes and role models!


  1. Sadly we had our serious doubts about him during the Anita Hill hearings then, and now are to be further embarrassed by him. Shame!

  2. I wish he’d do the right thing but highly unlikely. This continues to be a developing story.
