Monday, May 8, 2023

Trump suffering from dementia!

 If ever there was a ‘Teflon don,’ it’s Donald Trump himself.

You know, a lot of us laughed when he declared in the 2016 campaign for president that he could kill a man on 5th Avenue and get away with it, but history has demonstrated that Trump knows his people

For while he has not actually killed anyone (that we know of), he has done just about everything else and gets away with it. 

He has used money that he collected for his foundation for his own use, refused to pay workmen and robbed those who enrolled in his Trump University, been an extreme racist, compromised the country's foreign policy with China after Ivanka received numerous copyrights from that country, used his expensive hotels to house secret service people guarding him at taxpayer's expense, is a super predator who had grabbed random women by their p*****, instigated an insurrection after trying to steal an election, tried to withhold funds from Ukraine unless they assisted him in dirty tricks for the 2020 elections and on and on. 

Name it and Trump has done it, but he retains unshakable support from most Christians and majority whites. 

I am watching this civil rape case brought by E. Jean Carrol with great interest.

Most likely she will not succeed but what has amazed me is how the media has virtually ignored his creeping dementia as revealed in this trial.  

As I said, he is covered in teflon, so while we all recognize that Biden is too old to run again, (Joan, my views: He is just too old! (  we often fail to point out that this also applies to Trump, as he is only four years younger than Biden and is far less mentally competent!

Where Trump's dementia surfaced dramatically again for the world to see, was in his deposition for this case. For, after claiming he didn't know his accuser, when he was shown a photo in which both she and he were quite clear, he misidentified his rape victim as his ex-wife Marla. 😅😅😅

In my book, this is clear evidence that his dementia is galloping!


  1. I totally agree with you Joan… America is on a roller rollercoaster ride to find a suitable candidate to vote for…. WAKE UP REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS FIND SOMEBODY SUITABLE to handle “we the people’s affairs.. certainly new younger blood as a startingpoint!

  2. 1000 percent in agreement with everything you said.
