Thursday, June 29, 2023

An American nightmare

 It took an American entity to spoil what had been a great experience in Ghana and a wonderful two weeks with my daughter and granddaughter.

That entity is United airlines.

Their mis-steps were on the very last leg of this amazing journey 

After departing from Ghana 10 pm on the 27 th June and arriving at JFK airport on the afternoon of the 28 th, I had just one leg left on the long return journey.

 That was a flight from Newark airport to Fort Lauderdale.

That's when United Airlines screwed up everything. For after checking in and arriving at the departure gate, the announcement was made Flight Cancelled.

After waiting in a long line for United Airlines Customer service and learning from other irate passengers that their United flights to Florida had been disrupted from early morning, I became accepting on being told by the customer service representative that the disruptions were caused by weather conditions in Florida.

I later learned that this was a big lie though!

This was while I was traveling in the shuttle to a hotel and heard the news.

For the news on the radio was that United Airlines was having numerous cancellations during the busy holiday travel due to staff shortage and some internal problems.

You see, this is the American independence weekend and United has had cancellations on all their routes, not just Florida, due to internal problems.  

Nothing to do with weather.

These disruptions started yesterday.

So long story short, here I am suffering from jet lag at the Holiday Inn, in Newark Airport but without any luggage. Luckily I had hand luggage with essentials so hopefully will get out on the night of the 30th, which is the earliest flight I can get. (I was offered a flight via Missouri to Florida earlier that same day, and refused, so they put me in this night flight.)  I had even called Amtrak to see if I could even get a train home, but they are booked out for the holiday. 

I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies as  a lady going to Louisiana with her family was told she can't get out till Saturday and the news just said others are being told they can't get out till Monday 3rd July!

I am only happy that I have travel insurance through a reliable company which has come through for me in the past, so all the charges I a wracking up on my credit card will be repaid.

This is Allianz Insurance which paid my bill in full and without question when I collapsed some years ago in Colombia and had to be intravenously rehydrated. 

So now, I go nowhere without them! (Anyway, my experience is that the insurance sold by the airlines is nothing but a scam so have long stopped wasting money with them.)

Crooked United Airlines was not even offering anyone any form of compensation unless they asked.

 I insisted and  got 3 meal vouchers and a promise of 1 night maximum $100 refund for hotel stay, (they give you a list of the hotels they will 'contribute' to.) 

This is therefore where travel insurance will have to chip in, when my receipts are submitted.

Hopefully United will not cancel the flight on the 30th or lose my checked luggage😡.

Not holding my breath though.


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