Saturday, July 1, 2023

Never again United

 I think I had forgotten what stress felt like until I tried to get to fort Lauderdale via United airlines. 

Never again United!

First my flight on June 28th was cancelled after I had reached the departure gate and checked my luggage. 

Why this is mentioned is because those assholes had been having staff problems and delays for days,so must have known long before I checked in, that this flight too would have to be cancelled.😑

You see, it was the start of the independence weekend when millions were flying, and United has dropped the ball, long before the deluge.

I never realized there was chaos at Newark airport, as I was three continents away enjoying the peace and tranquility that Ghana offers,  with my family, .

So, it came as a shock to me when I arrived in the USA and was met head on with the cancelations.😑

Driving with my wonderful niece Whitney.

Ok, that's the background before I was finally rescued by my wonderful niece Whitney who lives in New Jersey.

Out of evil cometh good, I assured myself, but as much as I enjoyed her company, I had to get home.

Long story short, when my flight was cancelled on the 28 June and I spent hours in line trying to get a new flight to FLL, I was finally relieved when the lady said she found me a seat in the 30th.

As I had no idea where my luggage checked on the 28th was, I decided to go to the airport very early on the 30th to see I could get any information. ( I had fallen asleep the day before after more than 1 hour and 20 minutes waiting on the phone to  get to speak to an agent in the luggage department.)

All went beautifully between the 29-30 as I was with family.

Then on the 30th June,  I went to the airport some 3 hours before the flight was due to depart, only to find, when I putt information in the machine, that the agent had put in my flight for the 30 th July, not June and I had been just too tired and weary at the time to to notice.😭

Lord oh Lord what next?

So it was back to customer service line.

Talk about stress!

Luckily a lady who must have been a supervisor, passed through to assist and on seeing my dilemma, quickly went to a machine and informed that she had found a seat on an express flight, but I had to hurry as it was boarding soon.

That was around 3.09 pm and the flight was due to depart 3.40 pm with boarding to be over by 3.26.

Worse I was at terminal C at Newark airport and the departure gate was Terminal A.

Long story short, even with my TSA precheck and rushing like a mad woman, I still never got to the assigned gate till 3.50 pm. 

What next you can very well ask. 

I have never been more thankful for a delayed flight until today.

For that flight had been delayed and the new departure time was posted at the gate for 5.35 pm.


Well I have a new assigned now but until I land in Fort Lauderdale, I cannot feel comfortable. 

They assured me my luggage Will be on the flight, but I really don't believe anything I hear from United Airlines again, for in my book, it has to be the worst airline flying the friendly skies😑.


The flight finally took off around 6 pm and after quite a turbulent journey, we made it safely to FLL and guess what? As I reached the baggage area and checked through all the luggage that had been sent Ahead, my checked luggage was among them.😊

Better yet, a reliable Lyft driver arrived simultaneously with me as I got to the ride share point .

All's well that ends well, but never again United.


Further update.

Just ran into this article about how the CEO of united Airlines was galavanting around in his private jet while not dealing with the tribulations of his passengers 😑

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