Sunday, December 3, 2023

Fern Forrest Nature Center

Yup, it's true. Take my word for it.😡

Unfortunately I never knew about that until I got to the park. 

And guess what, these mosquitoes even love air conditioning, as there they were in the lady's room too!

Despite those pests, it's a lovely place, peaceful, lush with lovely walkways, rest areas and of course with all the information you need to know about the local flora and fauna.

I had hoped to see a bobcat though but alas, all I saw was these two squirrels, both of which were fast asleep. Oh well I had never seen squirrels sleeping before 😊.

And I shouldn't complain too much about the mosquitoes too much for as I strolled on the elevated walkway, I wondered if the notice above was an exaggearation for only one mosquito visited me.

Then after a peaceful stroll, I came off the boardwalk and headed to Maple Walk .

That's where they were laying in wait for us😡. 
Not just me, but everyone who looked like they wanted to go further had to make a quick retreat!

It's a lovely, nature trail in Coconut Creek, Florida though and it had a lot of visitors when I went there on Sunday.

However, take the mosquito warning seriously. And would you believe the coincidence, for as I escaped into my car, there was a program on the radio with  panelists discussion on mosquito borne diseases!😁

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