Sunday, December 10, 2023

Political bankruptcy

 Sometimes politicians seem so overwhelmed by the problems they face that their solutions make no sense at all. 

Or maybe they just say things when they are drunk.😫.

I am not implying that Prime Minister Andrew Holness is a drunkard. Not at all, I don't even know if he drinks, but I couldn't help wondering what part of his brain conjured up the idea of establishing a new ministry in his government! 

 This he threw out at the recent JLP conference as a possible solution to the increasing violence in the country!

 When did increased bureaucracy ever solve a problem in the world Mr. Prime Minister?

 In my book, more bureaucracy only opens up other avenues for more corruption

Poor Auditor General. Poor Jamaica!

 Already this little country of under three million souls has some sixteen ministries plus a bag of junior ministers without portfolios operating out of the Prime Minister's office. 

Only God knows what they all do!

 At a recent function in Mobay, the highly respected Chief Justice had to reiterate a well known fact.

 Harsh punishment cannot solve crime if people are not being caught and convicted.

For if people know their chances of being caught and convicted are zero, what's the deterrent?

That's when he exposed the shocking fact that Jamaica has the LOWEST CONVICTION RATE IN THE REGION. 


We already have large, expensive Justice and Security ministries, so shouldn't he be concentrating on  how to get the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and the Police  within these two ministries, to become more effective, rather than piling up another bureaucracy?

If we head into 2024 with this type of bankrupt thinking, we are really in serious trouble! 

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