Monday, October 31, 2011

Politics, At it Again .

Wow was I ever mistaken. Would you believe that I had been under the misguided impression that the sudden targeting of the Director of Public Prosecution by the opposition and their minions in the press, had to do with the fact that this high office is now occupied by a woman! For in Jamaica, when women finally achieve high office, this office becomes more targeted for extraordinary scrutiny and things that were never required when the office was occupied  by the male occupants, suddenly become urgent and important ..."in the interest of transparency". The summoning of the DPP to appear before a parliamentary committee and the harsh and unfair criticism that followed her refusing to do so, was a case in point. Then came the throwing of blame on that office for the slow pace of the Joseph Hibbert affair!

I was however just reminded that the Trafigura Affair is going to the courts in November and the DPP will be required to act of on behalf of the Dutch authorities to get information as to whether the donation to the Opposition, then government, by the Dutch company was a bribe.

It has therefore become urgent and important for certain people to discredit the DPP's office before this celebrated case is heard.

Can we really sink any lower? Politics is really the root of all evil in this country.

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