Monday, July 22, 2013

A Toothless Shark

We hear such chilling tales about sharks, that seeing a toothless one was quite a novelty.

 This I ran into on the way to Bob Marley beach for breakfast and a swim on Saturday, before riding on to Macca Beach in Yallahs, to watch the international surfing competition.

As we entered the unpaved road to the beach, we saw a man with a wheel barrow with a huge shark inside. As Omar was just ahead of me with his camera,
I exhorted him to take a picture, after all, how often does one get to see a shark close up and even look in his mouth to boot.

It was about 6 feet long with a super -flat, broad head and I actually felt sorry for the creature which was still breathing and the fisherman told me it was a harmless nurse shark.

When I asked him why he killed him then, he said he had gone into his fish net and eaten some if his catch.

He even opened the mouth of the creature which was still breathing, to prove his point.

I never knew I could feel sorry for a shark but I did , especially when he told me he was going to sell it to a guard company for them to feed their guard dogs.

Eighteen of us went on to Macca Beach after we ate and swam, then Johann rode over to Yallahs by himself.

As we reached our destination I saw a jelly man and thirstily, we all converged, buying out most of his stock. I did not have any, as Grace who had been driving around like a tourist with David., had just saved my life with a bottle of water.When we got to Macca Beach, I was ready to go home as the waves were not as fierce and large as the last time we were there, so I knew it would be a tame meet. Besides, on this occasion, there appeared to be more vendors than spectators.

So as the first vehicle was ready, guess who was a passenger?

It was a nice day though, good breakfast, my first shark up close, a nice swim and an invigorating ride.


1 comment:

  1. Are you saying that Johann was the only one to ride to Macca Beach?
