Thursday, October 31, 2019


It is uncanny that the rich, powerful USA, with its booming economy and lowest unemployment in years, has fallen five places in the 2019 World Happiness Report.

This trend surely defeats the goal of 'pursuit of happiness' set out in the Declaration of Independence! 

The World Happiness Report measures how happy citizens are with life in their countries. For the 2019 report, residents from 156 countries were polled by the credible Gallup World organization.

When one considers how America’s less wealthy neighbor, Canada, has constantly featured in the top ten, meaning their citizens are twice as happy as Americans, I can only conclude that it is policies introduced by the Trump regime, which have caused the level of unhappiness to rise so dramatically in the USA in one year.

Some of these damaging policies are;  tax measures that only benefit the rich, the chipping away at health care, ignoring the will of the majority on gun safety regulations and the hacking away  at regulations designed to protect the health of citizens and the environment.

In following the debates in the USA and especially the plans and programs being put forward by some seeking nomination to become the representative of the Democratic Party, I see every possibility that Americans could have caring and exemplary leadership, to steer them toward real happiness though. 

That is, if the Democrats make a wise decision in choosing their nominee for the 2020 Presidential elections. 

To begin with,
charges that the Democratic Party is socialist, are totally ridiculous. For, apart from the aging Bernie Sanders and a small fringe, not one other candidate vying to become the Democratic Party's nominee, supports the oppressive system of state control of the resources.

In fact, all the other potential nominees are proposing policies which are very much in synch with those in the top ten "happiest countries in the world."

These include suggestions to better regulate the economy in the interest of the majority and the introduction of humane social policies that can definitely assist the middle class in the USA in their 'pursuit of happiness'. 


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