Friday, November 8, 2019

Generation Z Podcaster examines the issues

According to young podcaster Shadrach Williams, very few of the candidates for the upcoming 2020 presidential elections, are addressing the issues that affect his generation.

The 24-year-old Williams who has already authored the popular self-help book “A month to re-create Reality” is a 2017 graduate of Florida International University (FIU). 

His new project is to educate his generation on the issues through the podcast called; POLITICS ACROSS GENERATIONS aired at; or;

This podcast provides Political education from the perspective of the Baby Boomers and the Millennial generation coming together to understand each other’s view points and discuss the candidates, as well as their ideas, for the upcoming 2020 elections.

 Joining him in the discussions are; fellow FIU graduate, Psychology major Shadaen Stephens and author Joan Williams who recently published; 2020 DECISION; SOCIALISM, RACISM OR HAPPINESS, an outsider’s perspective of the choices available to voters in the USA for the 2020 presidential elections. 

Feedback to the podcasts are welcome.
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