Saturday, August 24, 2024

Exactly who is a Jew?

As we are constantly bombarded daily with heart-rending images in Gaza where the Netanyahu government seems determined to commit the most vicious acts of genocide in the history of the world, it becomes more and more confusing for some to determine exactly who (or what) is a Jew?

At least to me, it does, for no one set of people can be so cruel! (I feel the same way about those in Somalia who are carrying out even greater atrocities which the world seems happy to ignore. But in Africa, we know that enmity usually goes along the tribal lines that were sown by decades of oppression and apartheid, and watered and fertilized by European conquerors.)

Anyway, as far as Judaism is concerned, I am a bit less certain, so have been searching sources to try and get a concrete answer. The more I searched, the more complicated it seemed to become, so I latched on to the definition in Webster.

 It states in part:

"In the modern world, a definition of Jew that would be satisfactory to all is virtually impossible to construct, for it involves ethnic and religious issues that are both complex and controversial. In daily life, for example, those who consider themselves Jews are generally accepted as such by Jews and non-Jews alike, even though such persons may not observe religious practices."

Interesting, for although I am black, I could describe myself as a Jew if I wished, although I am not Falasha from Ethiopia.

The Jewish line apparently comes down through the female and my maternal grandmother was a Jewess who converted to Christianity when she married my grandfather. If I wished to apply for Israeli citizenship, it would be easily acquired. (A fellow Jamaican friend of mine who had the exact same ancestry as I did, became an Israeli citizen, moved there, and lived in a Kibbutz for more than five years, before escaping to England. That is another whole story!)

 This whole genocidal campaign in Gaza has certainly moved the issue of Jewishness to the front burner!

In my book though, it all comes back to religion.

I concluded decades ago, that RELIGION IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, and not only does history bear this out, but everyday occurrences today do.

But let’s get one matter straight, it’s not moderate, straight-thinking people in the religions who are the evil ones, but the ultra-conservatives, be they Christian, Muslim, MAGA, Jewish, Buddhist, whatever.

The joke is on me, for there was a time when I swore that the adherents to Buddhism were the only peaceful religious people in the world. Then violence broke out in Myanmar against the Rohingya people and videos surfaced of Buddhist monks burning their villages and attacking the people. These were shown worldwide.

That certainly burst my bubble.

If you are wondering why I am now waxing philosophical, it’s because I was listening to a radio interview on PBS today with an Israeli woman who lived in a Kibbutz next door to Gaza. Their compound was raided by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, members of her family and friends were kidnapped and many were killed.

That’s when I learned that those who resided in the Kibbutz, accepted that Israel and Palestine could share borders and live in peace, for they were not the ultra-orthodox, rabid, religious Jews like their fellow Israelis living in places like the West Bank.

 Those are the ones who perpetuate the crap that they are the chosen people and that the Middle East was given to them by god and anyone who says nay is anti-Semnite!

 They are also the ones who have been included in the Netanyahu government for decades, operating an apartheid system that made Gaza into the largest prison in the world, thus leaving no alternative for the oppressed but terrorism.

The problem with terrorists however is that they tend to be cowards, be they IRA, Hamas whatever. For, instead of fighting those who oppress them, they inevitably attack innocent people and at times, even those who are sympathetic to their cause, as happened on October 7th! For they killed some fellow Arabs and kidnapped a Bedoin then!

Until the world gets rid of religious intolerance as practiced by right-wing adherents like Netanyahu and his cronies, cruel genocidal actions will continue all over the world.

And innocents will continue to be massacred.
























Saturday, August 17, 2024

Corruption at KSAMC


If the new Mayor of Kingston, Andrew Swaby carries through on half of the promises he has made to residents of Westlake Avenue in Richmond Park, it will not only be a breath of fresh air in that it would indicate that he is serious about maintaining law and order at the municipality, but also  a signal that he is not corrupt like many who have preceded him there!

To jog your memory, residents in that section of the beleaguered community of Richmond Park, protested in late July, against a commercial operation which had started construction of a site there, to establish a car dealership in their community.

As a result of the residents’ action, on the 31st July 2025, the KSAMC, issued a stop order against the miscreant.

The commercialization of residential areas, foremost in places such as Richmond Park, Eastwood Park and Bedford Park, has been a long-standing problem for home owners in those areas.

 And regardless of who has led the KSAC, (by any other name!) nothing has been done to stop the illegal practice so far.

It is not that home owners  in these areas are bad minded or even anti-capitalist, but the irrefutable fact is that commercial activity in residential areas, causes the property value to depreciate.

It also causes great discomfort for the home owners as it  destroys the roads and leads to increases the incidence of crime. For the roads in residential areas were never built sturdy enough to withstand the ravages of commercial traffic and when businesses set up in an area, it is impossible for even the most vigilant residents or even community monitoring groups, to keep an eye on those coming in an out, hence crime inevitably increases.

I am speaking as one who had to live with that problem for decades despite the numerous complaints to KSAC, demonstrations etc. For as the first operator to destroy our area said when we told him he would have to cease and desist, “money talk”.

And because money talks and corruption has always been rampant at KSAC, not only has that business prospered untouched for many decades, but also, others seeing that they could get away with it, also moved in until we were totally overwhelmed.

At Bedford Park, added to the problem that corruption enabled, (and most likely sections of Eastwood Park and Richmond Park as well), there was also the political element. For lo and behold, one of the main law breakers was a close friend of one of our prime minister’s, who was a frequent visitor to parties at his premises.

So, the destruction of our once quiet residential area, escalated.

I am therefore watching with interest to see if Mayor Andrew Swaby will just be another political blower of hot air, or if the laws will finally be enforced by the KSAMC, so the residents of Westlake Avenue and other residential areas can finally achieve their rights to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes.

Only time will tell if its only bribes that can drive action's at the KSAMC or if under Andrew Swaby, it will be the laws that do.

Botswana-Africa's gem

 I have only visited Botswana once, ( Joan, my views: Search results for botswana (, but the burning desire to return and explore more, increases daily. 

Yes, you guessed right! It was the animals that got me there of course, for, it has Africa's highest concentration of elephants and all the other wonderful animals you would want to see.

Since that initial visit, I have made it my business to learn more about the paradise I got a taste of, which has a population about the same size as my homeland Jamacia, and got its independence in 1966, just four years after we did, but importantly, remains Africa's most stable democracy and its safest country.

 As a proud descendent of the Mandingo Tribe from the Ivory Coast  (my grandmother told me and DNA confirmed it) , since I 'discovered' Africa,  I have wanted to tour the continent widely, but the Ivory Coast is not on my bucket list for that very reason, Safety.

Yes, the former colonial masters so divided the tribes of Africa  and planted such hatred among them, that many countries have been torn by civil war and the modern power-hungry leaders so evil, that they are unwilling to help their population ‘get over it' and move one.

But thank heavens, Rwanda did and is today a very stable and progressive country and one I would love to visit.

Oh boy, how I would also love to visit Mali which had one of history’s greatest and most intellectually-developed empires, but their constant infighting makes it impossible. 

And while I am at it, I shall complain about my great disappointment when I was going to Kenya in 2018, (Joan, my views: KENYA: THE MOST AMAZING OUTDOORS (, at not being able to visit Ethiopia. For I actually bought an air ticket and obtained a visa to visit that next door country, but guess what, they started a civil war there😡

So not only did I lose my air fare (which was non-refundable) but also my visa fee, (US $50), as it is one of the few African countries which does not allow Jamaicans visa-free entry!

It all comes back to security when I travel these days, so my ancestral homeland Ivory Coast, has to sit on the back burner for a while!

 For in 2010, they had another civil war which killed thousands and left over half million people displaced and they have not been able to get their act together yet.

And talking about  wars, I consider a large segment of the Jewish population to be extremely evil because of their support for what the Netanyahu government is doing to the Palestinians, especially the women and children. 

However, what is happening in Gaza is nothing in comparison to what is happening in Somalia, where power hungry blacks have murdered an estimated million of their fellow Africans and today some four million people are said to be on the verge of famine.

What is especially disheartening too is how most of the world, especially the black world, is ignoring what is happening there.😨

But now, I want to return to Botswana, my model country.

Yes, that country is rich in diamonds, but what is outstandings and unusual,  is how  the government has always used its resources to develop its people.

So, it not only has low debt and Africa’s highest credit rating, but also, although 70% of the country is dessert, it gives its citizens free land, free healthcare and free education! In addition, university students receive $154 in allowances monthly.

Incidentally, it is the desert there which has created Botswana’s most important UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Okavango Delta located in the Kalahari Desert. This is a vast inland delta formed with the Okavango River. 

Yup, Botswana is so far up my bucket list, that its bursting.



Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Independence Day

 Independent Jamaica became 62 years old today, so how smart was it for me to depart from my outstanding homeland on this very day?

Not smart at all😔. 

For I will miss all the colors, pomp and ceremony.

Happy Independence to all my fellow Jamaicans at home and abroad.🇯🇲.
We have much to be proud of.

Anyway, I had a ball and before I had to rush out, I did get to watch a small flotilla of canoes from the Duncan's Bay Fishing village, proudly flying their flags as they were cheered on by a few people staying at Silver Sands. 

All checked in.

Jonkunnu entertainment at Mobay airport.😊.

Until next year then, same time same place.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Friends forever

 It's always great to get together with friends occasionally, for life is so uncertain.

So when I joined my brother Bernie in July at Winedown, in Trelawny, we organized a little get together/domino session to see some we had known for decades.

The food was great, the camaderie refreshing and of course the dominoes challenging.

A wonderful night with forever friends.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful for small mercies

 Having bruk mi duck in the big fish sport last week, I went out this morning with high hopes of exceeding my record.

 For then I caught two, a seven pounder and a five pounder.

My goal today was therefore three large barracudas, but alas I only returned with two and they were not as large as my first catch.

Thankful for small mercies though. And shh, some people caught less😁.

Total catch 3. Joan 2😊

We went out at sunrise and it was absolutely beautiful and inspiring.

The sea was calm and serene and a cruise ship was on its way to Falmouth.

Even if I catch nothing or just quarter pounders on these trips, I love these treks to Silver Sands, compliments of my brother Bernie.

It's such a quiet, beautiful place.

I am really blessed. 

Giving thanks.