Wednesday, February 19, 2025


 Boy am I happy that I took in the event put on by the Miramar City Council.

What is uncanny too is how much the writer and actor who played Marcus Garvey in this enthralling production looks like Jamaica's 1st National Hero.

Samuel  Fudge, actor writer of Mosiah.

While actor Fudge did not appear in person, we heard from him via zoom.  

He is an American but his journey to Garveyism is absolutely fascinating.

No wonder he put his heart and soul into the role.

Mosiah is not Garvey's life story but just his experiences leading up to, and during the rigged trial organized by J. Edgar Hoover, who was determined to lock him up and ultimately deport him to Jamaica.

Garvey was his own lawyer during the trial and Fudge was amazing in the role.

A poem was dedicated to Garvey 

We also got from the movie, some snippets of  Garvey's childhood in St. Ann, which had such everlasting effect in molding the great man.

Garvey scholar and lecturer, Steve Golding.

Tenor Steve Higgins sang the UNIA's National Anthem.

At the event in Miramar, well known scholar Steven Golding, gave some additional insights into the life of the great man. 

Education like that you can't get elsewhere!

In addition to the enlightening and educational aspect, well- known Jamaican cultural group Ashe delighted us with their interpretation of four of Bob Marley's classics.

                        Ashe in full flight .

I had followed them from their inception but had lost track of them. So was happy to see they are still in top form.

 An unforgettable night. 

Big of the Jamaican Consulate 👏 which is so proactive in keeping our story on the front page and our culture on the front burner.

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 Tamarac's annual multi-cultural event was held yesterday and as usual, Carol and I had to be there.

I also saw many other familiar faces from the Senior Center in attendance, yet somehow the crowd still looked a lot sparser than usual!

 I think it's the ICE effect, as Tamarac is a city of immigrants, yet even when people are in the USA legally, many seem to be nervous about going out. 

Maybe they are scared of harassment, since racial profile is the in thing now😡.

As usual, before going over to the big stage, there were cultural performances showcasing the countries represented in Tamarac.



Mariachi band (Mexico)

Irish dancers

Then it was time for great music and the Lionel Richie band really delivered.

The Lionel Richie band

Their lead singer was really good and had us on our feet as he belted out Lionel's greatest hits.

These young people were however my all time favorites. 

They are super skilled.👏.

We had shuttle buses from convenient locations to the Tamarac Sports Complex where the show was held and they ran regularly.

Another well organized event.👏

Congrats to Mayor Michelle Gomez and her culture-loving team.