In Jamaica, laws to make this a better society pass at a very
very slow rate if at all. When we see anything happening in the justice system
quickly, you know that some powerful outside country is wielding a big stick.
Take the Dudus
extradition. You think Dudus would ever have been arrested by the government he
supported in so many ways, had he not been wanted by the USA? And you see the
great lengths the JLP government went to to try and prevent his extradition!
I had to reflect on such sad matters on seeing how quickly
the anti lottery scam law (Fraudulent Transactions Act) flew through
parliament. That is because the victims of this scam are american citizens and
that government has leaned heavily on our legislators.
On the other hand, Jamaicans have been victims of the
extortion racket for decades with many business people murdered or injured for refusing to capitulate, but has any government rushed to enact effective
legislation to stem this practice and make the perpetrators face severe fines
when convicted?
Absolutely not! Why?
because the dons who usually control extortion are their people (PNP and JLP)
and their guns and influence are critical in the garrisons, to our two parties
which have been properly catagorised by the Gleaner as "The gang of Gordon House"
Among the allegedly
most feared extortionists for decades downtown were Dudus and Zeeks (and their heirs and successors) two top supporters of
the two parties that alternate in government, so you see why legislation to
stop this practice which is a deterrent to people operating businesses in
certain areas, has never been updated!
To add insult to injury, after Zeeks was sentenced for
murder and millions of dollars in cash found in his house, the government that he supports
(the PNP) returned the cash that had been seized by the police, to him, without
question about the source of income.
Jamaica is truly gangster country from top to bottom.