Monday, July 29, 2024

For old time sake

 It's wonderful to reunite with old friends. Actually, I have been in constant touch with Phil. I just haven't seen her much.

In fact, she may very well be the person who I have known the longest, (family excepted), as I think we first met in Infant school when I was around age 4!

I don't really see many people from the cool hills of Malvern in St. Elizabeth, as most of us have migrated to various corners of the world.

My brother and I with our friend Phil

But Phil has remained in Jamaica and has established herself as one of our most respected and talented artists.

And I discovered that she has a green thumb too!

Yup, getting together with old friends is really special.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mitzie saved the day

 The greatest fishermen will tell you that often, they go and spend hours at sea and come home without any fish.

Well that didn't happen to the big fisherwoman, Mitzie, but the rest of us returned empty handed.

Her's was a Silver Snapper 

Oh yea, I got a bite and was bringing in a little one, but alas just feet from the boat, it jumped off and took off like Bolt.

And Bernie got a bite too but his fish did not tarry long at all.

Regardless, we had a wonderful day meandering along on the long, impressive Black River, with its beautiful scenery and serenity.

Quite a big croc

We never saw many large Crocs this time, but a few babies were in the hatchery.

And did you know that the 26,000 acre Black River Morass had natural gas? I certainly didn't but when we saw the smoke, the fisherman explained that on hot days, the sun ignites sections of the morass that are shallow and dry. 

Successive governments have decided not to exploit this reserve though, as it's too important as an environmental resource.

I agree totally.

 As I always say, if I don't learn something every day, it means I am dead. And I ain't, as I am enjoying life.😀 

The only slight disappointment on this trip was that we had heard about this restaurant called Miss Lou which was famous for its delicious curried crab. It's in a district called Slipe. We heard the road to get there is terrible, but we didn't have to drive to get there, as it's right on the river!

In case you never heard though, sections of Jamaica were badly damaged by the terrible hurricane Beryl about 3 weeks ago. 

And while where we are escaped,  almost the  entire island seems to have lost electricity and it is being restored very slowly. So many small businesses people are having serious financial challenges.

Well Slipe still has no electricity so Miss Lou cannot cook her crabs.

Really hard on her.

Slipe bridge

Miss Lou's crab place

Great Memories

The would-be fishermen below.

What a beautiful, serene environment!

Captain Kai

Not even this almost empty cooler can spoil these memories.😁