Monday, September 28, 2009

Silver Sands Beach

This weekend, I learnt something about most muggers. That is, they are really cowards who when not having the element of surprise to jump the defenseless, are mere wimps.

Here I was at Silver Sands resort in Duncans, Trelawny, when on Sunday, for my exercise I decided to walk up to the town. I had my earphones in my ears as usual. On the way back, I saw a man appear behind me and heard him calling out to me as I walked down the hill. I ignored him. He followed me the entire journey down, crossing the road when I did and saying things that I could not hear because of the music.

As we got to the lonely spot where there is a gravel turnoff to Duncan's Bay, I decided that I did not want this man following me further as that section was quite bushy and less trafficked. So I walked on to the gravel track, pretended to be heading to Duncan’s Bay. I then picked a large stone and quickly turned around to confront him with my hand with the stone in it, raised right in his face and shouted "Weh yu a fallaw mi fah?" 

I suppose he had thought I was just another defenseless woman whom he could intimidate, mug or whatever. What he did not anticipate was my reaction so he jumped out his boots when he saw my upraised hand and the large rock. He certainly had no time to get to any weapon if he had one.

 Although he had followed me on to the path to Duncan’s Bay he protested rather weakly in a very shaky voice that he had not been following me. I told him was he was a dirty liar for he had crossed the road each time I did and was calling out things to me. It was really quite funny to see him cower but I did not press my luck, instead, pushed him aside and went back on to the main road. I then stopped to see what he would do but he walked off into the bushes, so I continued my exercise. 

I suppose he will be more careful who he chooses to mess with in the future.

Apart from that incident , it was an absolutely wonderful weekend. We got down there around 7 pm Friday night and after drinks with Bernie (my brother) his wife and friends, turned in.

On Saturday morning at 6am., we went out fishing in a 28 foot Boston Whaler with experienced fisherman Errol. Thank God for that for if we hadn’t, we would probably have all ended upon in hospital. This is because Joan the great fisherwoman, caught the largest fish....about a 3/4 pound fish called a "stinging grouper"(aka Scorpion Fish. Thanks to Valerie Charles' suggestion on Facebook, I looked it up and found the info at ).

 None of us knew anything about these fish at the time, but Errol quickly cut it off the line and threw it back explaining that if any of the bones touched our skin, it was instantly poisonous and some people even became swollen and had to be hospitalized. 

He further told us that for years there was a doctor in Falmouth by the name of Dr. Foote and for years that fish was called "Dr. Foote" for that is where those who caught it and tried to release it from the line in the normal manner, ended up!

I was extremely sorry to see my fish go back in the water (dead of course) since it was the biggest fish I had ever caught! Would you also believe that there is a fish called Nayga fish? Apparently the colonial masters gave it that name because it is jet black and our people have just continued to use that name. It resembles a doctor fish and but is full black. Bernie caught one.

As usual the beach was absolutely beautiful, warm and calm. At about 11am the visitors started to arrive for the domino session. My very first set with Stewie as my partner, we got six love

But wait for it, we then dropped 17 love before ending the last of three sets with 6/1! At that point I thought I should retire lest I ruined my reputation. So I went to play scrabble and won two of three games.

However it was the draw of the dominoes slamming down that I could not resist. So back I went to one of the tables after a wonderful buffet dinner (there were about 35 guests) only to get two six loves. Temporary retirement from dominoes for me after that, just drinks, animated conversation and listening to great music for the rest of the session.

On Sunday it was back to the beach and later to the pool, until it was time to come back to miserable Kingston

Oh for more weekends like this.

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