Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Learning to draw 😊

I love my art class, mainly because I have such a great, motivating teacher.

 Her name is Michelle and our art class with her is on Wednesdays.

With my art teacher Michelle

I really don't think I have much artistic talent, but she thinks she sees some in me😊.

 So I am trying hard not to disappoint her and myself.

All who celebrated with me today

Another good thing I love about Michelle, is that she loves parties☺.

For every occasion, be it mother's day, or any other event, she is quick to provide drinks, plates, napkins etc and encourage us to bring snacks, so we can take a few minutes to celebrate.

It's a fun group

When I declared at our last class that my birthday would be the following Monday, she immediately declared, party next week.

I celebrate whenever and wherever, so this was before my usual scrabble game on Sunday.

I happen to go to yoga before my drawing class and as promised, drinks, cookies and delicious cheese cakes were ready and waiting when I got there. 

In addition, Donna, (in red and white stripes above) had made the beautiful card below and everyone signed.

Donna also brought a cheese cake.

And Norma, (extreme left) who had also promised to bring me a strawberry cheesecake, did so and even brought champagne!

However, as our senior center is a non-alchohol zone, we didn't open it, so the bottle was donated to me to carry home.

And didn't I enjoy it😊. 

I not only love my art teacher, but everyone who attends our class, as Michelle knows
how to motivate us how to celebrate life, and everyone had the party spirit today!

Yup, I may never become a great artist, but I will certainly continue to enjoy attending this class.😁

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