Sunday, November 8, 2009

Politics, Mountains and Beaches

Our mountains are green, lush, picturesque and just plain beautiful. It is as if I become more invigorated each time I go into them there hills.

Today was no different as we rode to Newcastle, my fourth try and my third success. Actually my fitness level is really improving greatly for what used to be a four hour struggle is now a three and a half hour challenging ride. I am talking about a constant uphill ride for about 12 miles. The ambiance does ease the pressure somewhat as the view is so breathtaking.

As I rode into the hills a SUV stopped beside me and two ladies shouted "Joan Marshall" in unison. Well you know when you hear that name you are talking about people who come from way back in my long life. It was Maureen and Pansy Williams, two sisters who were at Hampton with me. I was in the same form with Maureen who is now a dermatologist at Cornwall Regional hospital but I also knew Pansy well and while I have seen her from time to time, Maureen I have never seen since we left school almost a century ago! It was a pleasant if short reunion but I am amazed how they recognized me in my helmet and all. It just goes to show that their memory is far better than mine for they had to tell me who they were!. C'est la vie.

I missed stopping to pick and eat raspberries on the way up to Newcastle for unfortunately they are now out of season. You know, I have to watch how I speak as people are always picking up my voice. I saw a group of men just below the Catharine’s Peak factory working on the break away on the road (there is a lot of work going on all the way on the many break aways that have emerged over the years as a result of landslides. Seems like a by-election is in the air as that is the constituency of Joe Hibbert. ) and as I told them good morning, one shouted out "Is you dat Miss Will" When I answered in the affirmative I was immediately surrounded by friendly fire as they greeted me happily. The the issues that they want me to address on radio came at me from all quarters. The main problem however is the fact that they cannot get any pay for the coffee they deliver to the Mavis Bank Factory. Apparently the factory is in financial bind and while these peasant farmers are doing their part and delivering boxes of Blue Mountain Coffee to the factory, they just can't get their money, They reminded me that that Blue Mountain Coffee covers three parishes, St. Andrew, St. Thomas and Portland and they told me the growing areas are all all represented by JLP member of parliament..... James Robertson, Andrew Gallimore and Joe Hilbert. The men said the small farmers in the hills supported the present government but they have been abandoned. I told them that they should stop supporting politicians because of family tradition for that is when they take them for granted by ignoring them when they win. It is not until the next election comes that politicians return with sweet words and they fall for it. They asked me to big them up on the programme but the only name I can remember is Kingsley and the day is not even over yet! Anyway when he told me he wanted Renato Adams to become Commissioner of police, I knew it was time to resume my trip to the army training camp.

All but Anne Marie completed the entire trip up on bicycle. When we got there, the temperature was at least 10 degrees lower than it is in Irish Town and all the hills below us were heavily shrouded in mist.

After breakfast at Cafe Bleu on the way down, I decided that I had niggeritis ( as did Damit and Anne Marie)and we drove down in Howie's pickup from Irish town to Kingston. Zorie, Stefan and Penny's 3 year old daughter, kept us amused as she chatted non stop from we got in until we arrived. She is a funny kid for seeing her this morning you would never know she had a tongue as she refused to answer us when we tried to talk to her, but after a hearty meal, there was no end to it. She clearly not only resembles her father but is also powered by food as he is!

I thought yesterdays ride to Hellshire Beach was uneventful, apart from me seeing a dead baby crocodile about two feet long on the road. He seems to have been run over by a car and I cant say I am sorry for those things grow to be 20 foot monsters that have now qualms about attacking humans. However Howie revealed that we had a near tragedy as a new rider who had been brought along by Peter had swung out in front of a car on the Boulevard and his heart stopped for it only the quick reflex of the driver that saved her. Apparently that drew the ire of another motorist who gave them a proper tongue lashing over the incident.

The sea was great and the food good but expensive. Naomi who lives in Hellshire joined us at the beach but she did not swim but went riding into the Hellshire hills with Orrell. We had two new riders a (apart from the lady who had a near miss). They are Johann (pronounced Yohan) and Soldier Mike, a flight lieutenant at the Air Wing of the JDF. He brought his wife and his two adorable kids.

1 comment:

Barry said...

There was more than one very near miss with the first-time lady rider en route to Hellshire. I think we should review whether we take first-time riders on that busy road anymore. We nearly had death on our hands.